Home / News / UAE / A new group of Emirati competencies joins the operating team at Barakah stations

A new group of Emirati competencies joins the operating team at Barakah stations

Abu Dhabi on December 8th

A new group of 87 operating managers and operators of nuclear reactors, including 30 Emirati competencies, including 5 Emirati women, obtained a license from the Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation, the receiving regulatory authority responsible for regulating the nuclear sector in the country, after passing rigorous tests.

This license entitles them to join the operating team of the Nawah Energy Company, affiliated to the Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation, which is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the Barakah peaceful nuclear energy plants.
The new group obtained a license from the Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation, after completing comprehensive and advanced training programs in the most advanced nuclear power plants around the world, in addition to continuing educational programs in the most prestigious local and international academic institutions, in order to provide them with the skills that qualify them to operate nuclear power reactors. These programs have passed evaluation exams conducted by the Authority’s experts.
The total number of members of the operation team who obtained the license of the Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation, which qualifies them to operate the Barakah plants, reached 159 operating managers and reactor operators, 60 of whom are Emirati competencies, including 8 Emirati women.

This comes as a result of the continuous success of the human capacity development program of the Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation and its operational arm, the Nawah Energy Company, in addition to the approach that the Corporation has taken to develop qualified and trained Emirati competencies that lead the development of the UAE peaceful nuclear program.
With the commercial operation of the first and second stations and the connection of the third station in Barakah to the main electricity grid in the country, the new group of reactor operators will join the current group of operating managers and reactor operators working in the Barakah stations, while new groups will be qualified in the future to ensure the sustainability of qualified work teams throughout The operational period of Barakah stations, which extends for more than 60 years.
Khaled Al Marzouqi, Director of Operation of the Reactor, who recently obtained the license from the Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation – on this occasion – said: “The energy pioneers who preceded us were a source of inspiration for us and paved the way for us, as Emirati competencies lead one of the most advanced technological sectors in the energy sector.” carbon-free at the world level, and I am pleased to work within a multinational team with various global experiences working in Barakah stations.”
In addition, Maryam Al-Amri, one of the engineers who obtained the license of the Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation as the director of operating the reactor, said: “I feel very proud to join my colleagues in the team operating the Barakah stations, along with many qualified women in various specialties of the UAE peaceful nuclear program, which reflects the fact that That 20% of the employees of the Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation and its subsidiaries are females, and this is one of the highest percentages of women in the nuclear energy sector in the world, and this comes as a result of the policy of empowering women in the country in order to contribute to the transition to environmentally friendly energy sources and access climate neutrality by 2050.
Her colleague Ahmed Jassim Al Zaabi, who also obtained the FANR license as the reactor operating manager, added: “I look forward to working with a team that has been able to develop a major historic project that provides environmentally friendly electricity to homes, industries and businesses, and will continue to do so for the next 60 years.” We have benefited a lot from years of advanced training in accordance with the highest international standards for the nuclear energy sector, to meet the requirements of the Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation, as we have acquired the necessary skills, experience and knowledge to support the transition towards environmentally friendly energy in the country.
Majed Al-Mansoori, Reactor Operations Manager, commented after obtaining the license from the Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation: “I look forward to using all the knowledge I gained, training programs and practical experience in working at Barakah plants. I am sure that through our work we will contribute to reducing the carbon footprint of the energy sector and supporting The UAE’s efforts to achieve climate neutrality.
The Barakah power plants are among the most important pillars of sustainable development that enhance energy security and stability in the UAE, due to the remunerative jobs they provide in addition to stimulating the local industrial sectors, in addition to the large environmental returns over the next 60 years and beyond. The stations also support accelerating the reduction of the carbon footprint of the energy sector in the country and the development of a carbon-neutral economy by establishing scientific and intellectual human capital and providing thousands of jobs for Emirati competencies, in addition to promoting the growth of the environmentally friendly energy sector and stimulating research and development. Barakah plants are also a platform for stimulating innovation in the process of transitioning to environmentally friendly energy sources, including models of miniature reactors and next-generation reactors, and paving the way for the development of new energy sources.
It is noteworthy that the Barakah power plant is one of the largest peaceful nuclear power plants in the world, as it includes four advanced power reactors of the APR1400 model. The construction work on the stations began in 2012, and has continued to progress steadily since then, as the construction work on the fourth and final station has reached its final stages.

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