Home / News / UAE / Mohammed bin Rashid: The UAE continues to consolidate the values of giving on the occasion of World Humanitarian Day

Mohammed bin Rashid: The UAE continues to consolidate the values of giving on the occasion of World Humanitarian Day

Aug 20

His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, may God protect him, affirmed that the UAE continues to consolidate the values of giving, extending a helping hand to the less fortunate people, and fighting ignorance everywhere in our region and the world.

His Highness said, through his account on the “X” platform, on the occasion of “International Humanitarian Day”, which falls on August 19 of each year: “On World Humanitarian Day, we affirm the UAE’s message and our message: we continue to establish the values of giving in our society … we continue to extend A helping hand for the less fortunate people.. We continue to fight poverty, hunger and ignorance everywhere in our region and the world.. And we continue to instill hope for a better tomorrow in our Arab societies..».

And His Highness broadcast with the tweet a videotape that included at the beginning a speech by His Highness, in which he said, “He who turns his back on the pain of his fellow man does not deserve the honor of belonging to humans.”


The videotape reviewed some of the humanitarian and development projects that the UAE has accomplished and provided as a service to humanity in all parts of the world. The text of the tape reads: “Giving is a value at the core of our values.. We hasten to help the disadvantaged and save the afflicted. We aim to plant seeds of hope in the midst of darkness. We seek to feed millions of hungry people and water millions of thirsty people. We take the initiative to empower young people with knowledge and invest in their abilities.. We work for a more stable, peaceful and prosperous future for humanity.. 150,266 volunteers in humanitarian work.. 1.4 billion dirhams, the volume of spending in 2022.. 102 million beneficiaries in 100 countries, and our message continues.. Emirates is a name that means Giving.

He concluded the clip with a word from His Highness, “You win victory for the weak, educate the young, fill the hunger of the poor, spread the message of man’s love for his fellow man, and carry the banner of giving to all human beings.”

Celebration of the International Day

The Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Initiatives Foundation celebrates the International Day of Humanitarian Action, which falls on August 19 of each year, and its celebration this year is associated with the record achievements it achieved in 2022; As it spent, through 35 institutions under its umbrella, 1.4 billion dirhams on all humanitarian and development initiatives and community programs, and was able, through the efforts of 847 employees and 150,266 volunteers, to reach 102 million people in 100 countries around the world, which is the largest number of beneficiaries in one year, compared to previous years. .


The Foundation succeeded in achieving this achievement, with the solidarity and cooperation of the human cadre in the Foundation, and thanks to the extensive partnerships it concluded.

International and international partnerships

The Foundation is keen to expand its international partnerships and strengthen its cooperation with various international organizations, in a way that supports joint global action.

In early March, it concluded two new cooperation agreements with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, worth approximately 46 million dirhams. To support the forcibly displaced, by virtue of which the Foundation will raise its contributions to UNHCR’s efforts to approximately 100 million dirhams, to provide support to refugee and displaced communities in less fortunate regions of the world.

Also last March, the initiatives, through their “One Billion Meals” initiative, announced their support for the United Nations Trust Fund “UnitLife”, which aims to combat chronic malnutrition in parts of the world. Under the cooperation, the “Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Initiatives” provides 5.5 million dirhams to the United Nations Trust Fund “UnitLife”, which is governed by the French government, the United Nations Women’s Agency, the World Food Program and the Ecobank Foundation. This is to support the development of innovative solutions in the field of agriculture, the empowerment of women and mothers, and the fight against malnutrition, especially among children, in Senegal, Niger and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, benefiting more than 300,000 people.

The initiatives also signed, in July 2022, an agreement with the World Food Program of the United Nations; With the aim of distributing 49 million meals.

In May 2022, the initiatives signed an agreement with the World Economic Forum, to establish a global platform for the network of food innovation centers established by the Global Forum; So that the platform contributes to accelerating and expanding the scope of innovation in the field of food transformation towards more efficient and sustainable future options.

The agreement also makes Dubai the international headquarters for the annual meeting of the Centers for Food Innovation.


Innovative initiatives

Within the axis of humanitarian and relief aid, the Foundation was able to provide assistance to 30.2 million people during the year 2022, and the volume of spending on various initiatives, projects and programs under this axis reached 910 million dirhams. The International City for Humanitarian Services, the Emirates Food Bank Foundation, the Mohammed bin Rashid Charitable and Humanitarian Foundation, the Emirates Watering Foundation, and the Mohammed bin Rashid Global Center for Endowment and Endowment Consultancy are included under the axis of humanitarian and relief aid.

Within this axis, human cadres contributed to the successes achieved by a series of Ramadan food-feeding initiatives, starting with the “10 million meals” campaign in 2020, “100 million meals” in 2021, and “one billion meals” in 2022, up to the campaign. “Endowment of a Billion Meals” in 2023, to launch the largest endowment fund to feed food sustainably. In the context of its efforts to support the “One Billion Meals” campaign in 2022, the Foundation, in cooperation with Emirates Bank under its umbrella, launched the “One Million Meals of Surplus Food” campaign, which in turn aimed to provide food support to those in need; This is in cooperation with about 200 strategic partners, including more than 55 hotels, 65 food establishments, 35 supermarkets, vegetable and fruit markets, 13 charities, and 10 central kitchens. More than 150 volunteers participated in their direct operations, and the campaign succeeded in distributing more than 2.3 million meals.

In January 2022, the Foundation launched the charitable initiative “Let’s make their winter warmer”, in cooperation with the “The Most Beautiful Winter in the World” campaign, to support people suffering from difficult conditions, due to cold.

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