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Decree-law to establish the National Information Office

The UAE issued Federal Decree Law No. 55 of 2022 establishing the National Media Office, which stipulates that an office called the National Media Office shall be established, reporting to the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Presidential Court, and it shall have a legal personality, and enjoy the financial and administrative independence necessary to achieve its objectives and exercise its competencies, and work according to it. As of October 11, 2022.

It stipulated that the main headquarters of the office be in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, and branches or offices may be established for it inside or outside the country by a decision of the Minister.

The decree-law specified 16 specializations for the office, including providing advice to the concerned authorities with the aim of raising national awareness and providing appropriate information to confront digital media threats and negative media content or media disinformation, training and qualifying national media cadres and supporting official spokespeople, conducting studies and research and preparing specialized reports in areas related to the functions of the office. And analysis of phenomena, risks and trends related to the interests of the state and its circles of interest, and the establishment and organization of a comprehensive database of information and data related to the specialization of the office in coordination with the concerned authorities and achieving integration with them in the exchange of information and data, and representing the state in the media at all external and regional levels and in conferences and media events in the country and abroad in coordination With the concerned authorities, developing strategic partnerships with regional and international media institutions, and any other specializations assigned to it by the Council of Ministers, the Minister, or the competent authorities.

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