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Egypt: 4.1% targeted economic growth rate for the next fiscal year

Cairo, March 31 / Dr. Hala El-Said, Minister of Planning and Economic Development of Egypt, said that the economic and social development plan for the fiscal year 2023/2024 in Egypt aims primarily to invest in people and achieve human development, which is the main engine for economic and social growth, stressing that the human being is the actor. key to achieving development.

And the Egyptian Minister of Planning and Economic Development stated – in a statement issued today that the target economic growth rate for the next fiscal year reaches 4.1%, stressing that the plan’s determinants include focusing on completion projects whose implementation rates exceeded 70% and taking into account the management of the investments required for the investments expected to be completed, and exit from financing. Some projects with allowing private sector participation in light of the state ownership policy document, enhancing the role of public investment in social protection (a decent life), taking into account development gaps in the distribution of investments locally, and taking into account the impact of population increase on development needs, especially in the education and health sectors.
Dr. Hala Al-Saeed added that the education and health sectors have priority in the plan for the next fiscal year, as the education sector witnesses 1051 projects, while the health sector witnesses 627 projects, noting that the investment directions of the plan also focus on priority sectors in the economic and social structural reform program, represented by In the sectors of agriculture, industry and communications, giving priority to digital transformation projects, green projects, and continuing efforts to green the post-COP27 investment plan.

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