Home / News / UAE / Dubai Airport expects to receive two million passengers within 8 days during the holiday season, January 2, the busiest with 257 thousand passengers

Dubai Airport expects to receive two million passengers within 8 days during the holiday season, January 2, the busiest with 257 thousand passengers

Dubai International Airport expects a strong activity in travel during the coming days, coinciding with the holiday season and until the beginning of next year. And “Dubai Airports” said that the average daily number of passengers witnessed a significant recovery, to record movement similar to pre-pandemic levels, against the backdrop of the strong recovery that the travel sector witnessed during 2022, making the last season of this year one of the busiest seasons since 2019.

According to “Dubai Airports” data, traffic is expected to reach about two million passengers via “Dubai International Airport” within 8 days, from December 27, 2022 to January 3, 2023, bringing the average daily number of passengers to 245,000 passengers to and from Dubai. January 2 is expected to be the busiest day, with the number of passengers expected to exceed 257,000.

The rise in passenger traffic this December is due to a combination of factors including the seasonal influx of visitors, the recently concluded FIFA World Cup in Doha, and Dubai’s attractiveness as a preferred tourist destination over the past two years.

For its part, Dubai Airports is keen to coordinate and cooperate closely with all partners in the aviation sector, control operations, strategic and commercial partners and service providers to ensure a smooth and comfortable travel experience during the holiday season, and Dubai Airports urged travelers to follow some simple tips to enjoy the experience smooth this season.

Children over 12 years old can use the smart gates to speed up the passport control process, and enjoy a comfortable trip with their families. The roads leading to the airport during peak times may witness some congestion, so it is best to plan for some additional time to reach the airport. Those traveling from Terminal 1 must arrive at the airport 3 hours before the flight departure time.


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