Home / News / UAE / Abu Dhabi Hunting Exhibition reveals procedures for buying and selling knives, bows and arrows

Abu Dhabi Hunting Exhibition reveals procedures for buying and selling knives, bows and arrows

Abu Dhabi, April 28 / Bows, arrows, and knives of various types and sizes are distinguished and permanent guests at the Abu Dhabi International Hunting and Equestrian Exhibition, adding to its charm and beauty, as it is a pivotal tool in hunting operations, land trips, and camping. To this day she is found at home, hunting and excursions.

Today, the best materials, methods and minerals are used in its production to ensure its solidity and effectiveness according to simple traditional or modern innovative designs. Their prices vary greatly according to the difficulty and accuracy of the design, the duration of work on its implementation and the metal used.

The exhibiting companies were able to significantly increase their sales at the Abu Dhabi Hunting Exhibition over its previous sessions, through the desire of hunting enthusiasts to purchase all the hunting and shooting weapons and equipment they need directly at the event site, to meet with major buyers, industry leaders and marketing experts, and to conclude deals and partnerships with the most prominent Local agents and distributors to market its innovative products.

The Abu Dhabi International Hunting and Equestrian Exhibition annually attracts major companies that manufacture white hunting weapons, and exhibitors are required to adhere to all approved safety and security controls, instructions, and procedures.

On this occasion, the Higher Organizing Committee of the exhibition launched a guide for “Procedures for Buying and Selling Knives, Bows and Arrows” directed to exhibitors, as sales of hunting weapons are subject to many conditions and mechanisms.

And the list of white weapons that are prohibited from displaying or selling includes knives and white weapons not used for ordinary civilian purposes, swords and daggers (except for traditional ones), fennel weapons, spears, arrows and their blades, axes and pickaxes of all kinds not used for ordinary civilian purposes, a stick with a spear or heavy with metal prepared for combat purposes, and sickles Combat, laser baton, electric baton, electric self-defense units, chains, sticks or nails ending in a reel with thorns, chains associated with a type of bladed weapon, automatic weapons / laser / live ammunition.

The safety of visitors and exhibitors comes at the forefront of the event’s priorities, so the Supreme Organizing Committee was keen to issue the guide and work to implement the best safe practices in buying and selling bows and arrows in addition to hunting knives, as it is forbidden to sell them to those under the legal age, and a guardian is required for buyers between the ages of 18-20 years old Knives, arrows and bows are delivered outside the indoor exhibition halls upon leaving the site and the duties of the exhibition security team are to assist in finalizing sales deliveries.

The procedures after the completion of the sale of the weapon to the buyer include filling out the purchase form for the exhibition and making sure that the pick-up point chosen by the buyer is specified.

And the buyer must be informed that he must leave the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Center as soon as he receives the knife that he purchased and that he cannot enter it again into the exhibition.

The exhibitor shall hand over the purchased materials to the private security officer of (ADNEC) along with the buyer’s purchase form, to be delivered to him at the specified point of receipt. .

The Abu Dhabi International Hunting and Equestrian Exhibition offers tens of thousands of its audience within the accompanying events a unique live simulation experience for archery enthusiasts with bow and arrows in an ideal and safe environment targeting beginners and intermediates in this interesting type of archery in a distinctive interactive activity to discover personal capabilities and challenge friends and other visitors .

The exhibition organizes workshops and educational presentations on how to shoot a bow, in cooperation with some participating exhibitors from official clubs and private companies, as part of efforts to introduce this interesting sport, for which many private clubs have been established in many countries.

The Abu Dhabi International Hunting and Equestrian Exhibition is the only event in the UAE that allows visitors to buy hunting and shooting weapons, whose designers and manufacturers of companies and experts compete to provide the best products for hunters and shooters with high craftsmanship. Quality, durability and safety.

The last session of the exhibition achieved record direct sales on the grounds of the event, and among more than 900 companies and brands from 58 countries, 47 regional and international companies and 110 international brands participated in the “Hunting and Shooting Weapons and Equipment” sector, and 110 international brands sold directly to hunting professionals and amateurs more than 3,400 weapons, in addition to the conclusion of partnerships and major deals, as the companies that manufacture hunting weapons recorded a high turnout from the audience, whose number exceeded 150,000 visitors.

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