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Key tips to protect against bank fraud

Digital banking services are the preferred choice for most customers these days, as they enable you to conduct banking operations at any time and from anywhere with a few simple touches, but remember that one wrong touch on the Internet or your smartphone may expose you to a problem or financial loss.

Here are some tips to protect yourself from scams and make safe online transactions.

1. Use only smart and trusted apps on your phone

2. Do not click on links in spam emails

3. Do not share your sensitive personal information with anyone

4. Don’t forget to set up SMS alerts on your phone for banking transactions

5. When setting up a password, make it strong, distinct, and different

6. Use secure connections over the Internet

In addition, point to the link without clicking on it to see where it will lead, and make sure that it is a legal commercial address before clicking on it. You should give some thought to whether asking for your personal information is appropriate, even if you are in a hurry. Inform the bank immediately if you disclose sensitive information. Avoid opening suspicious emails, and if you do, do not click on any of the links or attachments within them.

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