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Nahyan bin Mubarak: The UAE is a country of coexistence and human brotherhood

Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, Minister of Tolerance and Coexistence, affirmed that the UAE is represented by its wise leadership and its people, keen to make tolerance, coexistence and human brotherhood a daily behavior for individuals and society.

This came after his visit to the Sultan of Bohra, Saif Al-Din’s favorite, in Dubai, on the occasion of the celebration of the blessed ten days.

Nahyan bin Mubarak said that the UAE is keen to convey its humanitarian message based on tolerance and peace to the world, a message that is embodied in its embrace of the cultural and religious human diversity on its land, indicating that the UAE has succeeded in transforming the set of moral values that characterize the Emirati society into a way of life witnessed by all the peoples of the world.

For his part, Sultan Al Bohra expressed his sincere thanks to the UAE, and called for peace, security and prosperity to prevail in the UAE and its people, stressing that the UAE is a country of peace and tolerance that embraces everyone.

He praised the UAE as one of the most prosperous and safest countries in the world, and praised the leadership and vision of the country in promoting economic growth and providing attractive business opportunities for all.

On the other hand, Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, Minister of Tolerance and Coexistence, attended the ceremony held by Dr. Abdul Rahman Nasser Al Bu Haliqa, on the occasion of the wedding of his son Khalid to the daughter of Abdullah Mohammed Al Harbi, in Al Hili Hall in Al Ain.

The ceremony was also attended by Sheikh Mohammed bin Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, a number of tribal sheikhs, senior officials and senior officers of the armed forces and police, and a gathering of invitees and a large crowd of family and friends.

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