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Nahyan bin Mubarak: The UAE cherishes peace, tolerance and human brotherhood The ninth annual meeting of the Abu Dhabi Peace Forum opened

Bin Bayyah: There is an urgent need to build bridges and provide opportunities for everyone to get to know each other and talk

Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak, Minister of Tolerance and Coexistence, inaugurated the ninth session of the Abu Dhabi Peace Forum, at its ninth annual meeting, held in Abu Dhabi from 8 to 10 November.

This came in the presence of Sheikh Abdullah bin Bayyah, Chairman of the Emirates Council for Sharia Fatwas, Chairman of the Abu Dhabi Peace Forum, and with the participation of Dr. Muhammad Abdul Karim Al-Issa, Secretary-General of the Muslim World League, Dr. Marouf Amin, Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, and Hussein Taha, Secretary-General The Organization of Islamic Cooperation, a number of ministers, representatives of international organizations, officials of Islamic organizations, ambassadors, representatives of government bodies, parliamentarians, scholars, judges, religious leaders, thinkers, academics and workers in the field of peace and coexistence in the world.

In his speech, Sheikh Nahyan said: The UAE, under the leadership of His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the State, may God protect him, is proud that peace, tolerance, human brotherhood, and positive communication with everyone are all authentic principles in the successful march of our dear country. He explained that His Highness always emphasizes the importance of human values, which all human beings share, as they represent a solid moral foundation for spreading peace, love and harmony in the world. He presented a number of ideas, inspired by the Emirati experience, which confirms that tolerance and human brotherhood are perfectly suited to fruitful cooperation between nations and peoples, and the future of this world requires serious and continuous work to spread tolerance for everyone, without discrimination or discrimination.

He added that achieving peace and combating extremism, extremism and fanaticism require joint and continuous efforts by all; By issuing laws and legislation, or education and awareness programmes, or the role of media and communication, or scientific research programs, or the general climate, which urges support for channels of cooperation, peace and coexistence among all human beings, then full awareness that success in all of this requires encouraging local efforts, Within the framework of close international cooperation.

Dr. Muhammad Al-Issa said: Peace be upon him for Muslims is a great celebration, and it suffices that God Almighty’s name is peace, and that Paradise is the abode of peace, as well as our greeting, as we conclude the worship of prayer with peace. Pointing out that peace in the law of war is presented in Islam, and from here came the most important documents of human history, bearing all the values ​​of peace and coexistence, and the preservation of human dignity with all its rights. Medina.

Sheikh Abdullah bin Bayyah said: There is an urgent need now, perhaps more than ever, to build bridges, take initiatives, and provide opportunities for everyone, from all over the world, for acquaintance, dialogue and joint action in facing these challenges. He stressed that the convening of this forum proves the existence of common values, principles and ideas around which everyone can rally. It also affirms that highlighting these values ​​and principles leads to encouraging action to achieve peace, renounce violence, and enable development and coexistence among all nations and peoples.

He added, “We in the UAE, under the leadership of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed, are extremely proud that peace, tolerance, human brotherhood and positive communication with everyone are all authentic principles of the country’s successful march.”

He affirmed that His Highness always emphasizes the importance of human values ​​that all human beings share as they represent a solid moral basis for spreading peace, love and harmony in the world and achieving the desired economic and social progress everywhere.

While Hussein Taha emphasized that talking about the values ​​of peace in Islam is a superfluous word, and it is not absent from all gatherings and gatherings, as it is not permissible to attack the life that God has given to man, for God alone has the right to that, and this requires coexistence and familiarity with people in goodness and favor. This is what the Forum is based on, the best new human experience in partnerships, cooperation and human solidarity.

Dr. Amin Maarouf thanked His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed, His Highness Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, and Sheikh Abdullah bin Bayyah, for this forum, which presented a number of documents and announcements, which won the approval of moralists and humanitarians in the world.

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