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Once Upon a Time….


Many decades ago, the Tartars besieged Arab cities and castles. The cities were falling one by one until one last fort with few soldiers; children and women remained, and were unable to resist Genghis Khan’s powerful military force.  However, one of the advisers thought of a trick as a last resort before giving up. He sent three of the best soldiers with extraordinary martial arts skills. The three went for hunting birds and rabbits while boasting their abilities in the range of the eyes of the Tatar soldiers. The soldiers thought, if these soldiers were the least rank and position of the rest of the castle, and were sent to hunt despite their high abilities, what about the capabilities of the remaining soldiers in the fortress.

They discussed among themselves and thought how unfortunate they are if they to decide attacking these strong military men. So, the Tartars determined to abide a peace treaty to end the war state between the two parties. Consequently, the city was saved with a clever trick, preserving a rich heritage that generations passed on and on until today.

You might ask what this story has to do with economy?  The answer lays in the fact that most of what we learn in our lives is from stories and novels and striking parables. What brought this story back to my mind is what I saw from the Jordanian economist Dr.Maen Qatamin on social networking sites. Dr. Qatamin has a number of contributions in the field of economics, calling on the Jordanian government to work hard to revive the economy, based on economic theories that have already been implemented in other countries and succeeded.

In a final proposal by Dr. Qatamin came up with a complete idea called (7 × 7 Jordan Economic Renaissance). The man had a convincing presence, and a visible argument, for those who wanted prosperous economy for Jordan.

However, the question is, if Dr. Maen Qatamin has this economic awareness and confidence in his opinion, is there anyone in the castle to tackle an implement the plan? This needs thoughtful insight, firm methodology, and a promising road map to be achieved.

We in the United Arab Emirates and the Arab world eagerly await the facilitation of the measures that Dr. Qatamin is talking about in order to attract  foreign investments to Jordan. We also hope to become the first investors in the ancient capital of Jordan, “Amman”.


As an attentive Emirati citizen, I see and follow the economic events that are going through the region and compare them to what happened in my country. I believe that strength lays in unity and what Dr. Qatamin is calling for would be easy and feasible. We have great respect and appreciation for the king of Jordan, his government and his dear people. I thank God so much for his blessings upon us with our wise and insightful leaders who are aware of the abilities of their citizens and employ them in the right place. The Arab world has a lot of capabilities and wealth that, if not used in the renaissance of the homeland, is in the ambitions of others. Our most important national asset is human capital, and we all join in the love of good deeds.

This was inflicted on us by the example of our father God have mercy upon his soul, Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan, who raised me and my fellow generation of the seventies to love the Arab homeland, unity and work for the Union.

Yasir Al-Almahri,

CEO Media IN


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