Home / News / UAE / It will continue until August 10.. the start of the “ember of heat” season in the Arabian Peninsula

It will continue until August 10.. the start of the “ember of heat” season in the Arabian Peninsula

Sunday begins the “ember of heat” season in the Arabian Peninsula and continues until next August 10, and is characterized by extreme heat until the late hours of the night, in addition to the scorching sun during the day and the intensity of hot and dry poisonous winds.

Ibrahim Al-Jarwan, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Emirates Astronomy Society, a member of the Arab Federation for Astronomy and Space Sciences, explained that the term “ember of heat” has been circulating in the Arabian Peninsula since ancient times, and it is hotter than the fire itself, and heat is the intensity of summer heat.

He added that this phrase refers to the highest periods of summer in temperatures throughout the Arabian Peninsula, and lizards and lizards emerge at night, and the movement of snakes, jerboas and vermin activates during the night, and daytime temperatures may reach above 50 degrees Celsius in desert areas, while exceeding The land surface temperature exposed to direct sun is 65 degrees.

He explained that the heat ember period is divided into two periods, the first extends from July 3 to July 28, and is known as “Gemini”, and in it the air temperature reaches its highest levels, just as the sun intensifies and the solid earth ignites, and the Arabs say: If Gemini rises, the “comforter”, that is, the solid earth, ignites, while The second period extends from July 29 to August 10, and is known as “Al-Marzam” or “Shairy” or “The Arm”.

He pointed out that the period of “necklace relaxers” extends from August 11 to September 5, which is the last period of extreme heat, when the bodies of camels and cattle weaken and the necklaces around their necks loosen from emaciation. High humidity with high temperature.

Ibrahim Al-Jarwan added that after this period, the temperature begins to decrease at the end of the night, with the activity of moist air at the end of August with the rising of the Suhail star, and the intensity of the heat begins to clear, as farmers link this period to the stages of ripening of the wet and say about it: “The first of which is the color pigment (acquired The wet is its final color) and the middle one is the date cooker (the wet ones turn into dates) and the last of them is the palm pods (when the palm buds ripen and turn into dates completely, they are renewed). (wam)

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