Home / News / UAE / Abu Dhabi chooses a French consortium to implement the second phase of the road lighting project with energy-saving technology

Abu Dhabi chooses a French consortium to implement the second phase of the road lighting project with energy-saving technology

Abu Dhabi on December 19

The Abu Dhabi Investment Office, in cooperation with the Department of Municipalities and Transport, announced the selection of a French consortium, including EDF and ENGIE, to implement the second phase of a joint project between the public and private sectors to light roads in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi with highly efficient LED technology. Energy consumption.

The department signed a partnership agreement with “Nujoom”, the French consortium that submitted a joint bid under the name “Nujoom”, equally between the two companies, to implement the project in Abu Dhabi.

The second phase of the project, which is part of the road lighting program in Abu Dhabi, includes the financing, supply, installation, operation and maintenance of 473,133 energy-saving lighting units in the emirate, as the project will contribute to saving up to 2400 million kilowatt-hours, which is equivalent to reducing consumption by 74%. over the project’s 12-year concession period.

Eng. Abdullah Abdulaziz Al Shamsi, Acting Director General of the Abu Dhabi Investment Office, said: “The completion of the second phase of the bid for road lighting with LED technology embodies the strength of partnership between the public and private sectors in Abu Dhabi, and our commitment to support partnerships between the public and private sectors to implement infrastructure projects. Strategic infrastructure The partnership with the Department of Municipalities and Transport will lead to a significant reduction in energy consumption in the emirate’s road lighting infrastructure, which will contribute significantly to achieving the ambitious sustainability goals of the UAE.”

For his part, said Dr. Salem Al Kaabi, Director General of Operations Affairs at the Department of Municipalities and Transport: “The strategic partnership between the government and private sectors is an important step, through which we look forward to making further progress in the energy-saving road lighting project, using modern sustainable technology, so that we can review the rates of reduction in consumption The energy generated by lighting the roads with energy-saving LED technology. This project will allow us to provide a lighting level that matches the best international practices, with the aim of meeting the needs of the emirate’s residents and maintaining the highest standards of road safety. Our team will move forward in cooperation with all partners to implement the phase The second part of the energy-saving road lighting project, which contributes to enhancing the quality of life in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

The project was launched in accordance with the Abu Dhabi Public-Private Partnership Law, the Abu Dhabi Investment Office’s Partnership Projects Guideline, and the Environmental, Social and Governance Standards Policy. The Department of Municipalities and Transport signed the partnership agreement with EDF and ENGIE after a comprehensive three-stage evaluation of the offers submitted by pre-qualified bidders, where the selected French consortium provided the best technical solutions, and the project will be implemented in five phases covering smaller geographical areas throughout Abu Dhabi, in order to ensure the highest standards of efficiency and sustainability.

Luke Koechlin, General Manager and CEO of EDF in the Middle East, said: “This strategic partnership, between the EDF and ENGIE alliance and the Department of Municipalities and Transport, aims to provide sustainable solutions for road lighting, and improve the quality, performance and flexibility of the lighting infrastructure in the Emirate.” Abu Dhabi The French Electricity Company will, through this project, offer its extensive experience and knowledge in smart city solutions to support the UAE’s goals in reducing energy consumption set out in the strategic initiative to achieve climate neutrality by 2050.”

For his part, Ian Harfield, General Manager of ENGIE Energy Solutions, said: “The lighting project in Abu Dhabi is an ideal model for implementing future regional infrastructure projects, as the design, financing, installation and operations system for this project provides real value to municipalities by saving large sums spent on consumption Energy, and investing it in other development projects in the community. Our global and regional expertise in the field of energy and infrastructure will ensure the highest levels of quality and implementation. We look forward to working on other similar projects inside and outside the region.”

The Abu Dhabi Investment Office is the government agency responsible for managing, facilitating, developing and offering all infrastructure projects that are implemented under the framework of public-private partnerships in Abu Dhabi, in line with its mandate to support private sector investment in the emirate.

The Department of Municipalities and Transport is keen to encourage investment in the emirate by weaving constructive partnerships with the private sector, and facilitating the establishment of projects in its field of expertise through cooperation with strategic partners to ensure integration and exchange of knowledge.

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