Home / News / UAE / 1.32 trillion dirhams deposits “above 20 million” in UAE banks

1.32 trillion dirhams deposits “above 20 million” in UAE banks

Abu Dhabi on December 19

Large deposits (more than 20 million dirhams) accounted for the largest volume of total deposits in the banking sector in the country, amounting to 2.186 trillion dirhams by the end of the first nine months of this year, according to the statistics of the UAE Central Bank.
Central Bank statistics showed that deposits of more than 20 million dirhams amounted to about 1.323 trillion dirhams at the end of last September, equivalent to 60.5% of the total deposits of the banking sector in the country.
According to the statistics, deposits of more than 5 million to 20 million amounted to about 246.01 billion dirhams, or 11.25% of the total deposits, while deposits of more than 1 million to 5 million accounted for about 12.44% of the total, with a value of 272.02 billion dirhams.
The bank stated that the proceeds of deposits of more than 500 thousand and up to one million dirhams amounted to 103.14 billion dirhams, or 4.72% of the total deposits at the end of the first nine months of this year, while the share of deposits reached more than 250 thousand and up to 500 thousand, for about 4%, or the equivalent of 87.44 billion. dirhams.
The Central Bank indicated that the share of deposits from zero to 250 thousand dirhams amounted to about 7.06% of the total deposits of the banking sector in the country, or the equivalent of 154.4 billion dirhams at the end of last September.

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