Home / News / UAE / Abu Dhabi Explores Latest Trends and Technologies in Data and Computing Abu Dhabi Investment Authority Lab Announces Advisory Board Members and Academic Partnerships

Abu Dhabi Explores Latest Trends and Technologies in Data and Computing Abu Dhabi Investment Authority Lab Announces Advisory Board Members and Academic Partnerships

The ADIA Lab – an independent center in the field of basic and applied research for data and computing sciences – launched its activities as of yesterday, December 2, which coincides with the country’s 51st Federation Day.

On this occasion, the laboratory announced the names of its advisory board members and details of its first academic partnerships, as well as the launch of its $100,000 prize for scientific research.

The laboratory is supported by and operates independently of the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, as it pursues a wide range of research objectives that are not limited to investment-related applications.

The laboratory operates from its headquarters in Abu Dhabi, to explore the latest trends and technologies in data science and computing in various modern scientific fields.

Dr. Horst Simon, Director of the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority Laboratory, said: “We have succeeded in establishing a world-class advisory board to supervise the laboratory’s activities and provide the necessary guidance. The laboratory begins its work with a set of activities that we will be keen to expand in the coming weeks and months.”

Today, the first group of members of the Laboratory Advisory Board was announced, which includes a group of global thought leaders in various scientific disciplines based on the use of the latest data science and computing practices. The Council is responsible for advising on the development of research programs for the Laboratory and supervising their implementation.

the list

The list includes Professor Alex “Sandy” Pentland, Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), co-founder of the MIT Media Lab and founder of the Institute’s Communication Sciences and Human Dynamics Laboratories, and Professor Miguel Hernan, Professor of Biostatistics and Epidemiology at the Harvard Chan School of Health. General Director of the Laboratory (CAUSALab), Professor Jack Dongara, Member of the National Academy of Engineering in the United States and Member of the Royal Society, and Dr. Edward Young, Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer of Intellectual Ventures and Co-Founder of (Microsoft Research). It also includes Professor Marcos López de Prado, Global Head of Quantitative Research and Development at the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, and Professor in both the College of Engineering at Cornell University and the Department of Mathematics at Khalifa University, and Professor Alex Lipton, Global Head of Quantitative Research and Development at the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, and Dr. Horst Simon, Director Abu Dhabi Investment Authority Laboratory.. It is expected that more members will be appointed to the Advisory Board in parallel with the growth and expansion of the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority Laboratory.

Academic partnerships

The Abu Dhabi Investment Authority Lab intends to establish partnerships with international academic institutions and international partners in the sector, as part of its efforts to achieve its wide-ranging goals.

In this context, the laboratory signed partnership agreements with a number of local and international universities to establish a range of activities, including joint scientific research projects, academic programs, applied training programs, scientific literature, scientific research seminars, and others.

To date, the list of partners includes Khalifa Universities of Science, Technology and Research, the Sorbonne – Abu Dhabi, New York – Abu Dhabi, Toronto – Canada, and the Louis Bachelier Institute – France.

Dr. Simon said: “Cooperation with leading academic institutions in the UAE and around the world is one of the most important factors supporting the laboratory’s mission to strengthen Abu Dhabi’s position as a leading global center for technology and innovation. Today, we are proud to announce our first agreements with leading local and international academic institutions, and we intend to expand our partnerships in the coming weeks.”

Seminar series

The laboratory’s website provides details about the series of seminars scheduled to be held next January, which include a seminar on “Using Causal Inference in Investment Decision Making” to be presented by Marcos Lopez de Prado, and a seminar on “Sources of Criticism” by Alex Lipton. The series of seminars continues throughout the year, with more seminars and panel discussions to be made available in the near future. Seminars are open to attendees for specialists. The laboratory will reveal additional details about its activities in parallel with the expansion of its partnerships, including signing agreements with international academic and non-academic institutions with the aim of designing educational programs, sponsoring research projects, financing scientific research, offering fellowship programs and applied training, hosting scientific research seminars, organizing competitions, and awarding prizes to the best Research papers.

Scientific Research Award

The Abu Dhabi Investment Authority Laboratory announced the details of the first edition of its award for scientific research, inviting those wishing to participate to submit their research papers for the opportunity to win the “Abu Dhabi Investment Authority Laboratory Award for Causal Inference Research in the field of investments”, which has a cash value of $100,000 distributed over three categories. winners.

The prize aims to promote the use of the language of causal inference, with the aim of describing discoveries in the fields of financial and economic affairs, with a focus on investment strategies. Entries are accepted until December 31, 2023.

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