Home / News / UAE / Abu Dhabi Pension Agency: 48% increase in the number of insured persons in 2022 43,295 females, or 45%

Abu Dhabi Pension Agency: 48% increase in the number of insured persons in 2022 43,295 females, or 45%

The Abu Dhabi Pension Fund revealed that the number of new insured persons in the second quarter of 2022 increased by 48%, compared to their numbers for the same period in the past year 2021, when the number of new insured persons reached 1,226.

The Fund explained in exclusive statements to “Gulf” that the total number of its insured persons reached 94,128 insured, including 50,833 males, representing 55% of the total insured, and 43,295 females, or 45%.

And he indicated that the rate of collecting the monthly pension contributions due on time during 2022 amounted to 99.83%, as the fund’s team succeeded in raising the index of collecting monthly contributions within the specified time, as a result of the Fund’s adoption during the past year of a number of developmental measures and new projects.

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