Home / News / UAE / UAE markets are free of food containing insects, in a statement by the Ministry of Climate Change

UAE markets are free of food containing insects, in a statement by the Ministry of Climate Change

In an official statement, the Ministry of Climate Change confirmed that the UAE markets are free of products containing insects and their parts, stressing that all food traded in the country is subject to control in accordance with health requirements, calling on the public to investigate information from the official authorities in the country.

The ministry said through its Twitter account: “With regard to what was circulated on social media and the media about some European countries allowing insects to be added to some food products, we confirm that all foods traded in the country’s markets are subject to control in accordance with health requirements, technical regulations and specifications.” approved standard.

The Ministry added: “Health requirements, technical regulations, and approved standard specifications stipulate the need to ensure that food products are free of everything that contradicts the provisions of Halal in Islamic Sharia,” explaining that Technical Regulation No. 2055-1 included regarding “Halal Foods – Part One: General requirements for food Halal” that “all kinds of insects and worms, such as ants and bees, are non-halal food, with the exception of only locusts and what cannot be avoided, such as parts of bees that have fallen into honey.”

The Ministry pointed out that the approval of the entry of any food product containing insects or their extracts requires obtaining a “Halal” certificate, which is issued based on fatwas issued by the competent authorities in the country.

The Ministry stressed that the requirements of technical regulations and standard specifications from local regulatory authorities, especially with regard to food safety and health, are met through laboratory analyzes in accredited official laboratories that can accurately determine the source of protein.

The Ministry confirmed that the country’s markets are free of products containing insects and their parts, calling on the public to investigate information from the official authorities in the country.

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