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Significant decrease in temperature

The country is witnessing a remarkable decrease in temperatures on Thursday evening, by 7 to 8 degrees Celsius in the interior regions, and a decrease of 5 degrees in the western regions, and the sea is turbulent to very turbulent in the Arabian Gulf and turbulent waves in the Sea of Oman, as a result of the state being affected by a surface air elevation extending from The west and a surface depression from the east, accompanied by an extension of an air elevation in the upper layers of the atmosphere.

The lowest temperature in the country was recorded on Thursday morning, 7.5 degrees Celsius, in Jebel Jais in Ras Al Khaimah, at 07:15 local time in the UAE.

The National Center of Meteorology expected Friday weather to be dusty and partly cloudy at times, and humid at night and Saturday morning over some internal areas with the possibility of fog or light mist formation. Saturday, and its speed ranges from 20 to 30, reaching 50 km / h. The sea is very turbulent to rough waves in the Arabian Gulf and turbulent to medium waves in the Sea of Oman.

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