Home / News / UAE / NBK members pose five questions to the Minister of Education in Wednesday’s session, November 30

NBK members pose five questions to the Minister of Education in Wednesday’s session, November 30

In the second session, which will be held on Wednesday at the Council’s headquarters in Abu Dhabi, headed by Saqr Ghobash, Chairman of the Council, a number of members of the Federal National Council will direct five questions to Dr. Ahmed Belhoul Al Falasi, Minister of Education, on various education issues.

Dr. Sheikha Al Tunaiji, a member of the Council, in a parliamentary question presented at the session, stressed that the lack of qualified teachers in science, mathematics, technology and languages ​​for the primary and secondary levels is not limited to the UAE, but is a global phenomenon that developed countries suffer from. To address this shortfall, countries resorted to hiring graduates of other faculties, such as sciences and social sciences, as a quick solution to meet the needs of their schools as an auxiliary stream, and did not close teacher preparation programs for the primary and secondary stages as we have them.

She added: As for us, we created the problem and now we are looking for teachers who are not graduates of education, whether citizens or non-citizens, and to provide them with training courses to fill vacancies in our schools, and ignore the treatment of the problem in a radical way. software?

She said that addressing the shortage in the number of citizen teachers requires searching for the reasons behind the community’s reluctance to this noble profession, and offering alternatives that contribute to increasing the number of qualified teachers throughout the country, not closing teacher training programs.

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