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Announcement of high school results tomorrow, Monday

The educational field, in its various categories, is awaiting the announcement of the results of the twelfth students for the current academic year 2022-2023. The current schedule, according to the approved schedule for announcing the results of the end-of-year exams.

Students from grades one to eleven were able to obtain their results in a row, as the results were announced for students from grades one to four on Thursday, June 22, and then the results of students from the fifth to the eighth were announced on Friday, June 23, followed by the results of grades nine to eleven. Yesterday, Saturday, June 24, the schedule will reach its last stations to announce the results of the twelfth grade students in all tracks tomorrow, Monday, June 26.

The institution stated that students can obtain their results through the student portal via the link https://student.ese.gov.ae, which is activated on the day of announcing the results, and students will be able to print their certificates on the same day as the results are announced from eight in the evening until eleven in the evening. evening.

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