Home / News / UAE / Emirates Astronomy: Wednesday, the start of the square season in the Arabian Peninsula

Emirates Astronomy: Wednesday, the start of the square season in the Arabian Peninsula

Sharjah on December 4th

The Emirates Astronomy Society stated that winter among Arabs throughout the Arabian Peninsula, the deserts of the Levant and Iraq is divided into three seasons. The peak of the cold and its severity, or the belly of the cold, with the rising of the stars of the bliss and the town, and it is between January 15 to February 10, and the “scorpions” season is the last time of the cold, and it has cold stings and moderate times with the rise of Saad the Slaughterer and Saad Balaa during and extends from February 10 to March 20, when winter passes.

And Ibrahim Al-Jarwan, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Emirates Astronomy Society, a member of the Arab Federation for Astronomy and Space Sciences, said that with the rising of the “Scorpion wreath” star from the eastern side at dawn, the time comes for the beginning of the square season and the time for the entry of bitter cold in the Arabian Peninsula, as it is associated with the entry of the real winter period in the Arabian Peninsula. The decrease in temperatures and precipitation over large areas results in the flow of torrents and valleys, the emergence of grass and truffles, the advent of cold waves, and the formation of frost in the early morning. It is also characterized by the blowing of cold north winds.

And during the square, the region witnesses the arrival of depressions that cause rainy weather disturbances, which are presented alternately from one period to another, with an interval between one wave and another that does not exceed 3 weeks.

And he pointed out that the difference in the time of the onset of the seasons of the lights and horoscopes for a few days is a matter of fact, because the horoscopes and horoscopes are stars that are timed when they are seen for the first time at dawn in the east, and the visual vision may differ from one site to another and from one person to another.

And he explained that with the entry of the “Al-Murabaaniyyah” the minimum temperatures in the Arabian Peninsula decrease to their lowest degree and are below zero degrees Celsius in the northern regions and highlands and below 10 degrees Celsius in the central and southern regions, and the winter solstice will be around December 21/22, when the longest night and the shortest day will be in Northern part of the Earth.

Among the local terms that are associated with the cold of winter are “Al-Sabra” and “Al-Sarda”, which mean the severity of the winter cold.

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