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“Nuclear Control”: 74% of the workforce are Emiratis in the authority

Since issuing the operating license in June 2022 for the third unit at the Barakah Nuclear Power Plant, the Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation (FANR) has continued its oversight tasks in the stage of fuel loading and the various tests that were conducted, which included the normal operation stage known as “criticality” and connecting the unit to the local electricity grid, leading to the stage of full commercial operation. .

In a statement on Friday, on the occasion of the start of commercial operation of the three Barakah plants, the Authority affirmed the commitment of the Nawah Energy Company, the “operator”, to all regulatory requirements to start this important stage.
This achievement comes as a result of FANR’s intensive control activities, including continuous inspection and monitoring, to ensure the safety and security of the nuclear power plant. It is noteworthy that following the issuance of the operating license by the Authority and leading to the commercial operation of the Barakah Nuclear Power Plant, the Authority carried out a set of control activities, which included inspection through its inspectors residing in the station and sending more inspectors to follow up the various stages of the tests.

The authority also continuously checks the level of readiness and readiness for emergencies, as well as following up environmental monitoring through independent monitoring stations located around the station.
Christer Viktorsen, Director General of the Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation, said: “The commercial operation of the third unit of the Barakah Nuclear Power Plant is the culmination of the great efforts made in the past years since the establishment of the Emirates Nuclear Energy Programme. Up to operation, to ensure that the operator complies with all regulatory requirements to ensure the safety of society and the environment, and the authority will continue its supervisory role in inspecting the station during the operation phase to ensure that all conditions are met.
Viktorsen added: “FANR is proud of the presence of Emirati experts in nuclear energy who played a vital role in licensing the plant from the beginning, such as participating in inspections covering nuclear safety, nuclear security and nuclear non-proliferation. We are proud that the percentage of Emiratis in the Authority is more than 74% of the workforce. I would like to congratulate the UAE government and its leadership for achieving such an achievement.”
With the start of the commercial operation of the third unit, the Authority intends to carry out its oversight and inspection tasks to ensure the safety and security of the nuclear plant within the framework of its tasks to protect society, workers and the environment.

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