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Arresting a gang specialized in selling counterfeit car oils

The Economic Crimes Combating Teams, at the General Department of Criminal Investigations and Investigations in Dubai Police, managed to seize a gang consisting of two people of Asian nationality, who deliberately put stickers of a well-known brand specializing in car oils, on packages that are filled with oil that does not follow this mark, and sell them in the market. What is considered forgery and cheating, harms the trademark, and causes accidents, due to the unknown source of this oil, as 2500 large packages intended for sale were seized.

In detail, Colonel Dr. Khaled Aref Al-Sheikh, Director of the Economic Crimes Control Department at the General Department of Criminal Investigation and Investigations in Dubai Police, stated that reliable information was received about some people selling car oils outside the headquarters of authorized agents, without any papers proving that they are original, as it was found that there is a store. In it, packages similar to those of the original agent of the brand are filled, without the label that is forged, placed on the packages, and sold on the basis that they are original oils, noting that this is harmful to the brand, and may cause accidents and damage to the vehicle’s engine, given the unknown source and quality of these oils. oils.

Colonel Al-Sheikh added: A work team was formed to verify the information, and it was found to be correct, and the location of the warehouse in which the filling and distribution operations take place was determined, and two people of Asian nationality were arrested, and it was found that they had become accustomed to these legally criminalized acts, and the packages were seized. counterfeits, and transfer them to the Public Prosecution Office to complete the investigations.

Colonel Khaled Ahmed Nasser, Deputy Director of the Anti-Economic Crimes Department at Dubai Police, pointed out that the original agent of the trademark was contacted, and it was found that he was unaware of the matter, thanking the Dubai Police for its efforts.

Colonel Khaled Nasser called on the community members not to deal with unknown people or places, to view all invoices and information proving that the place is licensed, and to deal with authorized agents, pointing out that the use of any counterfeit spare parts or oils may cause heavy losses to its owner, And it leads to severe accidents, noting the need to communicate and report any suspicious and unlicensed activity.

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