Home / News / UAE / The Emirates .. exceptional momentum in the tourism, aviation and retail sectors, with the beginning of 2023

The Emirates .. exceptional momentum in the tourism, aviation and retail sectors, with the beginning of 2023

Abu Dhabi, January 1: Major economic sectors are witnessing exceptional momentum and activity with the start of the new year 2023, especially the tourism, hotel, travel, aviation and retail sectors, which are among the main sectors supporting the growth of the national economy.
The great activity in these vital sectors enhances their contribution to the growth of the national economy, which is expected to reach 7.6% in 2022, as a result of the strong performance of some non-oil sectors, including tourism, hospitality and real estate, according to the latest report of the UAE Central Bank.
In the following report, the Emirates News Agency, WAM, monitors the activity of these vital sectors and the great demand for them in light of the celebrations of the New Year 2023.
(tourism sector).
The tourism sector in the country continued its usual activity with the start of the new year, in light of the availability of many tourist attractions and attractions that the UAE possesses, in addition to the advanced infrastructure, and the efforts made to provide a healthy and safe environment, while applying the best precautionary measures and measures to preserve the health and safety of visitors.
During the New Year celebrations, the country witnessed a huge program of various exceptional events, light and laser shows, and amazing fireworks that attracted hundreds of thousands of visitors, making it one of the most watched New Year’s Eve celebrations around the world, in addition to the inspiring entertainment and cultural experiences that brought together families and friends, which is what It enhances the activity of the tourism sector and pushes it towards great growth.
The tourism sector in the country is looking forward to more qualitative shifts in the new year, in terms of infrastructure, legislation and initiatives that have strengthened the UAE’s position on the global tourism map, the latest of which was the UAE Tourism Strategy 2031, which aims to consolidate the country’s position as one of the best tourist destinations in the world. and doubling the number of tourists to 40 million, with an expected total contribution of 450 billion dirhams to the GDP by 2031.
(hotel sector).
For its part, the hotel sector in the country, with the start of the new year, presented a set of attractive offers and distinguished services aimed at attracting families and families, which raised occupancy rates to record levels exceeding 95%, especially in areas close to the centers of New Year celebrations.
The country’s hotels have offered packages of discounts and offers that include discounts on reservations and restaurants, as well as value-added offers, and the organization of many entertainment events that provide a unique tourism experience for all family members, especially since the diversity of options contributes greatly to increasing activity and momentum.
The “Wego” company, which specializes in the sector of travel services and online reservations, revealed that the external demand for travel and hotel accommodation reservations in the UAE during the festive season and New Year’s Eve witnessed a significant increase, and searches for flight reservations and hotel accommodation from abroad reached the UAE during the weeks. The first of last December, about 1.4 million searches, 73% of which are hotel reservations for stay periods ranging from 3 to 5 days.
( Retail sector )..
The retail sector is witnessing a great movement amid strong growth in sales rates and the number of visitors, in conjunction with the process of recovery and recovery that the sector is constantly achieving as a reflection of the high consumer confidence in the promising prospects of the national economy, especially after its rapid recovery from the repercussions of the pandemic.
The shopping environment in the UAE constitutes a vital stimulus for shoppers and visitors during Eid Al-Adha, as shopping centers in all emirates of the country intensified their preparations to receive shoppers, with the capacity of the centers reaching their maximum limits during the holiday, to take advantage of promotions, entertainment and manifestations of Eid celebrations, with an emphasis on the need to adhere to the application of preventive measures. and precautionary measures.
The six national carriers intensified their preparations to increase travel rates during the New Year celebrations period, at a time when the average daily number of passengers is witnessing a tangible recovery, recording movement similar to pre-pandemic levels, against the backdrop of the strong recovery that the travel sector witnessed during 2022, to be the last season of this year. One of the busiest seasons since 2019.
The number of destinations reached by national air carriers by the end of the year 2022 reached about 536 destinations around the world, including common destinations, in an indicator that reflects the recovery of the aviation sector in the Emirates after recovering from the repercussions of the “Covid-19” pandemic, while the carriers are expected to continue Expanding its network of destinations around the world for travelers in the new year, supported by the recovery in travel demand and the UAE’s position as a preferred global destination for tourism and business.
Dubai International Airport expected traffic to reach about two million passengers, starting from December 27, 2022, for a period of 8 days, bringing the average daily number of passengers to 245 thousand passengers to and from Dubai, indicating that tomorrow, January 2, is expected to be the busiest day, and that The number of passengers exceeds 257 thousand passengers.
The rise in passenger traffic in the UAE during last December and January is due to a combination of factors, including the seasonal influx of visitors, the recently concluded FIFA World Cup in Doha, and the country’s attractiveness as a preferred tourist destination for visitors from all over the world.

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