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Public Prosecution clarifies the penalty for theft by advertising

The Public Prosecution Office of the State, through a tweet published on Friday, clarified on its accounts on social networking sites the penalty for forced theft.
She pointed out that in accordance with Article 438 of Federal Decree-Law No. 31 of 2021 promulgating the Crimes and Penalties Law, whoever commits a theft crime if it occurs by coercion or threat to use a weapon shall be punished with temporary imprisonment, whether the purpose of that is to obtain the stolen property, keep it, or escape with it.
The dissemination of this information comes within the framework of the ongoing campaign of the State Public Prosecution, to enhance the legal culture among members of society, disseminate all the new and updated legislation in the state, and raise the level of public awareness of the law, with the aim of spreading the culture of law as a way of life.

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