Home / News / UAE / Led by the UAE, the Security Council opposes unilateral measures that impede peace in the occupied Palestinian territory

Led by the UAE, the Security Council opposes unilateral measures that impede peace in the occupied Palestinian territory

The UN Security Council adopted a presidential statement opposing unilateral measures that would impede prospects for a two-state solution in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.

The UN Security Council adopted a presidential statement opposing unilateral measures that would impede prospects for a two-state solution in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.

The UAE, as an elected member of the Security Council, facilitated this important decision with the support of all Council members.

Ambassador Lana Nusseibeh, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation for Political Affairs and Permanent Representative of the UAE to the United Nations, said: “We are grateful to fellow members of the Security Council for their constructive approach that led to the successful adoption of today’s presidential statement, which is the first resolution issued by the Council in this regard. The file is more than six years old. It is important for the council to remain unified and firm in emphasizing that continued Israeli settlement activities seriously undermine the two-state solution. She added, “After a year in which provocations, tensions and escalating violence have further eroded prospects for a two-state solution, it is absolutely essential that this Council reaffirm its firm commitment to the vision of an independent Palestine living side by side with Israel in peace.”
The presidential statement condemned all acts of violence against civilians, and called on all parties to condemn acts of terrorism, refrain from incitement to violence, and pursue accountability for all acts of violence targeting civilians.
In a precedent, the Council referred for the first time to Islamophobia, anti-Semitism and Christianophobia, in the context of expressing its deep concern about cases of discrimination, intolerance and hate speech.
The statement expressed its deep concern and dissatisfaction with Israel’s announcement, on February 12, of its intention to legalize nine settlement outposts in the occupied Palestinian territory, and to allow the construction of ten thousand settlement units on them.
In a related context, the Security Council reiterated in its statement that the continuation of Israeli settlement activities seriously threatens the possibility of achieving a two-state solution based on the 1967 borders. It also stressed the importance of de-escalation and avoiding provocative actions.
The Council stressed the equal right of both the Israeli and Palestinian peoples to enjoy freedom, security, prosperity, justice and dignity.
In its statement, the Security Council also emphasized the special role of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan with regard to the sanctities in the city of Jerusalem, calling for the need to preserve the existing legal and historical status of the city of Jerusalem and its sanctities.
The UAE began facilitating the process of formulating the Council’s response to Israeli settlement activity last week, and supported the intense diplomatic engagement of the United States, in order to de-escalate the situation and ensure that the Council would speak with one voice on this important issue.

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