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“Abu Dhabi Environment” issues a policy for the sustainability of marine water quality

As part of its endeavor to preserve and sustain marine water quality in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi and reduce practices that lead to harm to it, the Environment Agency in Abu Dhabi issued a marine water quality sustainability policy, in which it reviews the current situation and challenges related to marine water quality in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi and its legal framework.

The policy aims to complete the relevant legislative and regulatory frameworks, and reduce harmful discharges to the marine environment, by encouraging recycling and reuse programs, and developing a program to confront emergencies that affect the quality of marine waters, in addition to enhancing knowledge of the expected negative effects of pollutants and proposing solutions to mitigate them. .

The policy contributes to addressing the challenges facing marine water quality in the emirate, and the policy puts this issue on the path of sustainable solutions to achieve the emirate’s vision, and identifies the tools required to achieve the related goals. The implementation of the policy is expected to contribute to improving the environmental performance indicators of the state and the emirate, and ensuring the sustainability of the activities Fishing as part of the emirate’s community heritage, in addition to promoting leisure and tourism activities and marine sports.

The authority confirmed that it had prepared the policy after consulting many concerned government agencies in the emirate, in addition to a number of concerned federal agencies through workshops or bilateral meetings or expressing observations on it, pointing out that the policy was aligned with many relevant national and local policies, plans and strategies. These include the National Food Security Strategy 2051, the UAE Water Security Strategy 2036, the Marine Plan: The Coastal and Maritime Framework Plan for the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, the National Plan to Combat Marine Pollutants 2019, and the State of the Environment Report in Abu Dhabi 2017.

Dr. Sheikha Salem Al Dhaheri, Secretary General of the Environment Agency in Abu Dhabi, said: “The sustainability of coastal and marine resources plays an important role across generations, which enhances the social, economic and environmental value of coastal and marine areas, including tourism activities, transportation, exploration and commercial uses, in addition to the contributions of other sectors such as Maritime heritage, marine environment, and marine reserves. This value is threatened by the deterioration of water quality and habitat loss with loss of attractive and endangered species, biodiversity and environmental services.”

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