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Cooperation between the Emirates University and Malaysian Malaya University in 11 research projects

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Recently, the United Arab Emirates University has held several partnerships with educational institutions in Malaysia, especially with the University of Malaya, in areas of national priorities, as part of the UAEU’s efforts to extend and strengthen bridges of positive and constructive cooperation to contribute to strengthening its international standing.
Dr. Ahmed Murad, Associate Vice-Deputy for Scientific Research at UAEU, said that this cooperation enriches the quality of scientific research through distinguished contributions, stressing the university’s endeavor to support joint research projects with the University of Malaya.
He pointed out that there are 11 research projects between the two universities in several fields, including 3 research projects in the field of food and agriculture, such as the research on “Post-harvest technologies to improve the nutritional quality and shelf life of fig fruits produced in greenhouse conditions and open fields in the United Arab Emirates,” and another titled “ Characterization, antioxidant, anticancer, and immunomodulatory activities of exogenous polysaccharides (EPS) produced by novel probiotic bacteria and their rheological effect on camel milk products (fermented milk and cheese)”.
He added, “There are 5 research projects in the field of water and energy. Examples include a research titled “A Generalized Computational Model for Groundwater Levels and Quality in Dry and Tropical Regions” and another titled “Development of a Generator System Powered by Salt Water.” In addition to 3 research projects. in the field of Information Technology and Engineering, titled “Intelligent Analysis of Cluster Body Language for Healthcare Patients”, “An Integrated System for Two-Hand Static and Dynamic Arabic Sign Language Translation Using Spatiotemporal Translation Models and Machine Translation Models”, and “Investigation of a Single Radar Cross Section (RCS)” For Military Communication System using Composite Meta surfaces integrated with Antenna».
Dr. Ahmed Murad indicated that he has completed 4 research projects, namely: “Cognitive reflection through lifelong learning: treatment with symbolic robots to reach autism spectrum disorder” in the field of information technology, and “Reducing deposition on the surfaces of heat exchangers by adding nanoparticles and polymeric coatings.” Conductive”, “Development and testing of new nonlinear random wave excitation power introductions – simulation and experimental study” and “Herarchical control strategy for coordinating the operation of a point absorption wave power inverter farm equipped with a hybrid energy storage system: simulation and experimental studies” in the field of water and energy.
He added that during the period between 2017 and 2022, faculty members and researchers at UAEU published 105 research papers in cooperation with researchers from the University of Malaya, mainly in computer sciences, environmental sciences, medicine and engineering, and it was also recently announced that funding 5 new projects would be funded in cooperation with the University of Malaya. Malaya in the fields of water, energy and mobility research, and work will start in February 2023.

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