Home / News / UAE / Tomorrow… honoring the winners of the Arab Governmental Excellence Award at the headquarters of the Arab League in Cairo under the auspices of Mohammed bin Rashid

Tomorrow… honoring the winners of the Arab Governmental Excellence Award at the headquarters of the Arab League in Cairo under the auspices of Mohammed bin Rashid

Under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, may God protect him, a ceremony will be held tomorrow, Thursday, at the headquarters of the League of Arab States in the Egyptian capital, Cairo, to honor the winners of the Arab Government Excellence Award, which was launched by the UAE government in the year 2019. , in partnership with the Arab League represented by the Arab Organization for Administrative Development, with the aim of contributing to administrative development and governmental institutional excellence, stimulating leadership thought, and celebrating successful administrative and governmental experiences in the Arab countries.

The ceremony, in which Muhammad bin Abdullah Al-Gergawi, Minister of Cabinet Affairs and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Arab Government Excellence Award, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, members of the Award’s Board of Trustees, and representatives of several Arab governments, will witness the honoring of the winners in 15 categories divided between awards. Institutional and individual awards, to cover all aspects of Arab government work.
Mohammed bin Abdullah Al Gergawi said in a statement on this occasion: “The sponsorship of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum for the Arab Governmental Excellence Award confirms the exceptional importance of this award and its role in contributing to the development of concepts of management and Arab government work, with the aim of providing services that enhance the quality of life for Arab citizens. and boost their confidence in the future.
He added: “There is no doubt that the award, with all the interest, demand and Arab interaction it has received on a wide scale, is the culmination of great efforts made by the work teams, and it translates the firm conviction of the candidates, institutions and individuals, in the vital role that the award plays in promoting the culture of excellence, and the centrality of Innovation in government work.
He pointed out that the success stories of the honorees are a source of inspiration and property for all, and a motivator to make efforts to excel at work, and to present the ideal model in public service, based on the courage of the initiative and breaking any procedural stereotypes that impede safe and effective access to developmental and civilized goals.
Virtual workshops and seminars
During the current session, the award witnessed a series of virtual workshops and seminars, in cooperation with a number of Arab governments, with the aim of developing the skills and knowledge of Arab government cadres, and transferring knowledge to them in the field of quality and excellence, in addition to training them on the latest developments and concepts related to excellence, in a way that ensures the promotion of participation and the development of government capabilities in countries. Arabic, highlighting the importance of achieving government excellence, and supporting distinguished Arab government experiences and practices.
The training workshops and seminars contributed to developing the skills and knowledge of all concerned cadres, in addition to transferring knowledge and training on the concepts of quality and excellence, and disseminating the latest developments and concepts related to excellence in Arab government agencies.
More than 50 workshops were held during the current session of the award, with the participation of the organization’s team, the award and a number of experts in the field of quality and institutional excellence, and in the presence of more than 10,400 employees and officials in the government sector from most Arab countries, namely the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Sultanate of Oman, the State of Kuwait, and the Kingdom of Bahrain. Palestine, Mauritania, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Somalia, Djibouti, Jordan, Iraq and Egypt.
The seminars and workshops included three main axes related to excellence and institutional development of government agencies, including those related to job excellence, and others to excellence in project management, the most prominent of which was the Leadership in Government Services workshop, which received a great response from the participants.
The Arab Government Excellence Award, the first of its kind in the Arab world, and the largest in the Arab world in the field of development, improvement, and administrative excellence in the Arab region, contributed to creating an Arab movement in the field of management seeking to apply international best practices in the field of government performance excellence, providing a roadmap to achieving the aspirations of the administration. In order to achieve distinguished performance for Arab institutions and their employees, after creating positive competition between the various entities seeking to establish a culture of quality and excellence, and to get rid of governmental administrative patterns that are no longer suitable for the continuous and rapid changes taking place in the world.
The award highlighted successful administrative experiences in the Arab region, honored Arab government competencies, created positive leadership thought in government sectors to adopt institutional excellence, and stimulated renewal of existing systems using smart technologies, which helps implement future government visions and strategies.
The award played a major role in achieving the vision of its sponsor, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, represented in the adoption by Arab governments of the approach of excellence to serve society and increase its global competitiveness. Resumption of Arab civilization through an effective government that adopts innovation and works to develop its government performance and develop its natural and government resources.
Arab government integration
Since its launch, the award has promoted Arab governmental cooperation and integration, seeking to modernize institutional work and improve its quality, and develop flexible and new government mechanisms that keep pace with changes and anticipate trends in creating a better future and building governments that serve the Arab citizen.
The diversity of the award categories confirms its belief in the comprehensiveness and integration of the system of excellence and achievement, as the categories were chosen carefully to target the main aspects of the processes of developing and reforming government work in various sectors in order to comply with the needs of the Arab citizen at the present time, which added a qualitative advantage to the efforts to explore the latent capabilities of each country and develop Strategies and action plans based on the discovered potential.
The Arab Governmental Excellence Award, in its first edition, received about 5,000 Arab participation, and more than 1,500 nomination requests, all bearing success stories and inspiring examples of Arab models that were able to present innovative ideas for the development of government work in many Arab countries.
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