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An unstable weather condition accompanied by rains of varying intensity

The region is affected by the extension of an air current from the west in the upper layers of the atmosphere accompanied by the flow of different amounts of clouds in the form of waves with the extension of a surface depression from the southwest, and the weather is partly cloudy to cloudy at intervals accompanied by rain on the islands and some coastal and northern regions extending over some eastern regions .

The National Center of Meteorology expects the depression to deepen in the upper layers of the atmosphere on the coming Friday and Saturday, bringing with it a cold air mass, as the quantities of clouds continue to increase over separate areas of the country, interspersed with cumulus clouds accompanied by rainfall of varying intensity with lightning and thunder at times, especially on the coasts and regions. Northern and eastern with lower temperatures.

The winds are active during the situation and are sometimes strong with clouds, causing dust and dirt, and the sea is turbulent at times in the Arabian Gulf and in the Sea of Oman, especially with clouds.

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