Home / News / UAE / Harvest 2022: Decrees and decisions targeting the well-being of society… The citizen is the priority of leadership

Harvest 2022: Decrees and decisions targeting the well-being of society… The citizen is the priority of leadership

Abu Dhabi on December 22 /

A set of decrees and decisions issued in the UAE during the year 2022 constituted a new impetus in the process of promoting community development, providing decent livelihoods for its children, providing everything necessary for their stability and raising their quality of life.
The decisions and decrees touched the lives of citizens, including the structuring of social support programs, the housing sector, the settlement file, debt treatment, and a number of other sectors, to form a new lever that raises the process of community construction and enhances the welfare of society.
Social support.
His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the State, “may God protect him,” directed last July to restructure the “Social Support Program for Low-income People” into an integrated program at an amount of 28 billion dirhams.
The support program introduced four new allocations: the housing allowance, the university education allowance, the allowance for unemployed citizens over the age of 45, and the allowance for the unemployed who is looking for work. The four allocations aim to enable low-income Emirati families to obtain adequate housing, encourage outstanding children to enroll in university, and support elderly citizens.
The social support program was keen to increase the allowances allocated to all family members, which are the head of the family allowance, the wife’s allowance, the children’s allowance, inflation allowance allowances, the foodstuff subsidy allowance, the electricity and water subsidy allowance of 50 percent, and the fuel subsidy allowance.

Government housing.
For its part, the Cabinet approved the new policy for federal government housing loans, which aims to provide financing for housing loans through partnership with the private sector and national banks, in a way that supports the goals related to reducing the waiting period for applications.
The housing finance program, in light of the new policy, aims to issue 13,000 housing decisions for the next five years “2022-2026” at a cost of 11.5 billion dirhams, and to meet the future needs of the country’s citizens, which aim in their entirety to enhance family stability and achieve prosperity and a decent and safe life for citizens.

– Emiratization..
The Cabinet approved amendments to some provisions of the Cabinet’s decision regarding initiatives and programs for the competitiveness of Emirati cadres “Nafes”, and the approval of raising the target of Emiratisation rates at a rate of 2 percent annually for skilled jobs in private sector companies and establishments that include 50 employees or more, and raising the Emiratisation rate progressively at a total rate of no. Less than 10 percent until 2026, with the aim of creating job opportunities annually for citizens in the private sector and various economic sectors in the country.

Dedication to self-employment.
The Council of Ministers approved the controls and conditions for granting a citizen employee in the federal government a “sabbatical leave for self-employment” as an accrued leave within the leaves that the employee is entitled to, based on international best practices in this regard.
The terms and conditions approved by the Council include granting the national employee an exceptional leave to establish or manage any of the private projects owned by him through the head of the federal entity or his authorized representative, provided that the purpose of the leave is to establish the employee for his economic project in the private sector or manage an existing project or participate With others in establishing an economic project, and obtaining the approval of the employer and the necessary licenses for his economic project from the competent authorities in the country, and the license is granted to the employee based on the availability of the approved conditions and controls and according to what the employer decides as required by its interest.

Payroll support.
Last November, the annual meetings of the UAE government witnessed the importance of announcing an increase in subsidizing the salaries of citizens in both the private and banking sectors, and expanding the covered sectors and specializations, in implementation of the directives of His Highness the President of the State, may God protect him.
The modernization will contribute to building partnerships and supporting more than 170,000 beneficiaries in both the private and banking sectors over the next five years.
The decisions to support Emiratisation in the private and banking sectors included the comprehensiveness of support for all citizens in the private sector before and after the launch of “Nafis”, and the provision of a financial allowance in all jobs, specializations and educational qualifications for those who earn a salary of 30 thousand dirhams or less, according to the academic qualification.

Dealing with debts.
And in implementation of the directives of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the State, “may God protect him,” and the follow-up of His Highness Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Presidential Court. Financing by exempting 1,214 citizens from their debts, with a total value of more than 536,230,000 dirhams.

Children of female citizens
Last June, His Highness the President of the State, “may God protect him,” issued a decision regarding the treatment of children of Emirati women residing in the country with the same treatment prescribed for citizens in the education and health sectors.
The decision embodied the keenness of the wise leadership in the UAE to support and stabilize the families of the children of female citizens.
The decision stipulates that the Ministry of Presidential Affairs shall provide the necessary support to the federal and local government agencies to implement the provisions of this decision and the decisions issued in this regard.

Citizens Affairs Office.
In July, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the State, “may God protect him,” issued a federal decree regarding the establishment and organization of the “Citizens and Society Affairs Office” in the Presidential Court.
The decree specified the functions that the office will undertake, including the study, development, management, follow-up and implementation of everything related to the affairs of citizens and society in the country directly or in coordination with the relevant authorities and follow-up on social and service issues within the scope of the office’s specialization in coordination with various federal and local authorities based on the directives of the head of state or the minister. Launching projects, initiatives and policies that raise the standard of living for citizens and promote positive behaviors for society.

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