Home / News / UAE / Khalid bin Mohammed bin Zayed witnesses part of the “Abu Dhabi Government Leaders’ Meetings”

Khalid bin Mohammed bin Zayed witnesses part of the “Abu Dhabi Government Leaders’ Meetings”

It was organized by the Government of Abu Dhabi to promote the exchange of knowledge and highlight the government’s strategic priorities and plans.

The event witnessed the participation of more than 50 agents and general managers.

– The event included a group of discussion sessions attended by a group of experts and thought leaders.

Abu Dhabi, March 11 / His Highness Sheikh Khalid bin Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, member of the Executive Council of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi and head of the Abu Dhabi Executive Office, witnessed part of the “meetings of the leaders of the Abu Dhabi government.”

The event, organized by the Government of Abu Dhabi, aims to enhance the exchange of knowledge, consolidate the spirit of one team, support cooperation between government leaders in the emirate, as well as shed light on government priorities, programs and strategic plans.

During this event, His Highness met senior officials and elite leaders from various government departments in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. His Highness was also briefed on a summary of the activities and discussion sessions that witnessed the participation of more than 50 undersecretaries and general managers in the government sector in Abu Dhabi. His Highness also watched a presentation on the strategic priorities of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi and innovative solutions to meet the various challenges facing government work.

The “Abu Dhabi Government Leaders’ Meetings” provide a platform to stimulate the exchange of knowledge and experiences, highlight government priorities and strategies, in a way that contributes to raising levels of government performance, and enhances the active role of Abu Dhabi government leaders in achieving the emirate’s vision and strategic objectives.

The event also offers Abu Dhabi government leaders interactive experiences and innovative activities to hone their expertise, enhance communication and cooperation between them, consolidate team spirit, encourage strategic thinking, and highlight future government priorities and plans.

The meeting was attended by His Excellency Ahmed Tamim, Head of the Government Support Department, His Excellency Dr. Yasser Ahmed Al-Naqbi, Director General of the Abu Dhabi School of Government, and a number of senior government officials and leaders in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

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