Home / News / UAE / Sultan: Sharjah has programs in the fields of teaching to preserve the Arabic language Honor the winners of the Sharjah Award for Linguistic and Lexical Studies at its fifth session

Sultan: Sharjah has programs in the fields of teaching to preserve the Arabic language Honor the winners of the Sharjah Award for Linguistic and Lexical Studies at its fifth session

His Highness Sheikh Dr. Sultan bin Muhammad Al Qasimi, Member of the Supreme Council and Ruler of Sharjah, Supreme President of the Arabic Language Academy in Sharjah, affirmed that the winning works of the Sharjah Prize for Linguistic and Lexical Studies lie in providing the Arabic library with many specialized studies , which add to what was written in the Arabic language and contribute to Preserved through sober scientific research.

This came during the honoring of His Highness, Sunday, in the home of Dr. Sultan Al Qasimi, the winners of the fifth session of the Sharjah Prize for Linguistic and Lexical Studies.

His Highness said: “The award is not for specializations that may refer to issues in politics or industry, but rather for scientific and literary research, which in its results gives many additions that may be absent from researchers in the papers of manuscripts or books that a person cannot reach.”

His Highness, the Ruler of Sharjah, said: “These researches are valuable, providing universities and libraries in the field of language revival, and adding new horizons and research to us. Therefore, all that has been written in this field is not thought by some to be a cultural luxury, but rather it is at the heart of the life issue, because language is the basis and along with it is religion.” And faith.”

His Highness added: “We hope that this study will be useful and healing for everyone who researched and wanted to add new data to the language, and we thank you very much for this effort, and these awards are only symbolic forms. Success and repayment, and we wish those who come after you to take the same path for the public benefit.

His Highness pointed out that graduates of the Arabic language and Islamic studies face the difficulty of not providing them with jobs in many places and undermining them, stressing that Sharjah is working to elevate their status and has programs for them in the important fields of teaching to preserve the Arabic language and in other jobs.

His Highness, the Ruler of Sharjah, honored the winners of the Sharjah Prize for Linguistic and Lexical Studies at its fifth session, congratulating them for this achievement, and praising their efforts in providing great services to the Arabic language by conducting valuable studies and research that Provide benefit and enrich researchers.

Dr. Muhammad Abdel-Fattah Al-Khatib won the first place on the theme of “Stylistic Studies in the Analysis of the Qur’anic Discourse” for his book “The Global Structure and Houses of Speech in Arabic, Towards Linguistics for the Analysis of the Qur’an ‘anic Discourse.’ The second place was won by Dr. Mustafa Al-Jilani Rajwan for his book “Rhetoric”. Narration in the Stories of the Qur’an: Theorizing and Achievement in Rhetorical Narratives.

In the “Dictionary of Sciences and Arts”, His Highness the Ruler of Sharjah honored Dr. Sami Mahmoud bin Amer, the winner of the first place for his book “The Dictionary of Visual Arts Terminology”, while the second place was won by Dr. Mahdi Asaad Arar for his book “The Lexicon of Women in the Holy Qur’an”.

In his speech, Dr. Ahmed Al-Dubaib, a member of the Board of Trustees of the Arabic Language Academy and a member of the award’s arbitration committee, congratulated His Highness the Ruler of Sharjah on the success of the fifth edition of the Sharjah Award for Linguistic and Lexical Studies, pointing out that the award during its five years is progressing with distinction, stability and acceptance by researchers and scholars of the Arabic language throughout the Arab world, praising the support of His Highness, the Ruler of Sharjah, for the Arabic language, which indicates his belief in the importance of taking care of the language of the Holy Qur’an, and the cultural initiatives that illuminate many aspects that were dark, during which Sharjah became a beacon to which researchers and scholars cling and an outlet for every lover of the Arabic language.

The member of the jury explained that the award bears several advantages as it is offered throughout the Arab world and is characterized by integrity and impartiality, in addition to receiving great acceptance among those interested, as each version witnesses greater numbers than the previous one in terms of of the number of candidates.

Dr. Muhammad Safi Al-Mostaghanemi, Secretary General of the Arabic Language Academy in Sharjah, delivered a speech in which he announced the approval of His Highness, the Supreme President of the Academy, for the themes of the award in its sixth edition, which is the theme of linguistic studies “studies that dealt with learning the Arabic language and teaching it to its children and non-children”, and the theme of lexical studies “industry Linguistic Lexicon: Study and Composition.

The Secretary-General of the Arabic Language Academy also thanked His Highness, the Ruler of Sharjah, for his continuous support for all efforts that contribute to preserving the Arabic language

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