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Mohammed bin Rashid issues a law regarding the Dubai Maritime Authority

His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE, may God protect him, in his capacity as Ruler of the Emirate of Dubai, issued Law No. The maritime security system and its development, in coordination with the concerned authorities, encouraging and attracting local and international capital, companies and institutions specialized in the maritime sector and maritime activities to invest in this sector in the Emirate, and enhance its competitiveness at the regional and global levels, in addition to contributing to the preservation of the environment and maritime safety, and the fulfillment of security requirements marine in the waters of the Emirate, in accordance with the legislation in force therein.

Dubai / Gulf

His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE, may God protect him, in his capacity as Ruler of the Emirate of Dubai, issued Law No. The maritime security system and its development, in coordination with the concerned authorities, encouraging and attracting local and international capital, companies and institutions specialized in the maritime sector and maritime activities to invest in this sector in the Emirate, and enhance its competitiveness at the regional and global levels, in addition to contributing to the preservation of the environment and maritime safety, and the fulfillment of security requirements marine in the waters of the Emirate, in accordance with the legislation in force therein.
The provisions of the new law apply to the “Dubai Maritime City Authority”, as a public authority, that enjoys legal personality, financial and administrative independence, and the legal capacity necessary to conduct business and actions that ensure the achievement of its objectives, provided that it is attached to the Ports, Customs and Free Zone Corporation, and the name “Dubai City Authority” is amended. Navigation” wherever it is mentioned in any legislation in force in the Emirate of Dubai, to become the “Dubai Maritime Authority.”

Competences of the Dubai Maritime Authority According to the law, the Dubai Maritime Authority is the competent authority to regulate and supervise the maritime sector and marine activities throughout the Emirate of Dubai, including special development zones and free zones, including the Dubai International Financial Centre, and for this purpose it has a number of tasks and powers. Including: Enhancing maritime safety in the waters of the Emirate of Dubai through licensing marine craft, and monitoring and inspecting safety equipment in these means.
The authority’s competence also includes preserving the marine environment, by applying environmental technical standards to marine means, and coordinating with the concerned authorities in the emirate to monitor marine activities, to verify their compliance with the environmental standards and requirements stipulated in the legislation in force in the Emirate of Dubai, and international treaties and agreements that are The United Arab Emirates is a party to it or acceding to it, and preparing and approving occupational health and safety standards in the maritime sector and supervising their implementation, in coordination with the concerned authorities in Dubai.
The law authorized the Dubai Maritime Authority to develop the general marine plan for the Emirate of Dubai, with the aim of ensuring the safety of navigation, practicing marine activities safely, defining navigational lines and berthing places for wooden ships and marine means in the Emirate of Dubai, organizing, defining and granting permits for the establishment of marine marinas in the emirate, and organizing and specifying all Requirements for the entry and exit of wooden ships and their crews, and their supervision through the office of the shipping agent, in addition to organizing the work of the office and the owners of wooden ships and their agents in a way that guarantees their rights.
The law defined the organizational structure of the Dubai Maritime Authority, the terms of reference of the head of the Ports, Customs and Free Zone Corporation, the authority’s executive body, and the mechanisms for appointing its executive director, in addition to defining his terms of reference.
Solutions and Cancellations Law No. (3) of 2023 regarding the Dubai Maritime Authority replaces Law No. (11) of 2007 establishing the Dubai Maritime City, and any provision in any other legislation is repealed to the extent it contradicts the provisions of Law No. (3) of 2023, on That the regulations, decisions, regulations, circulars and instructions issued in implementation of the aforementioned Law No. (11) of 2007 continue to be applied to the extent that they do not conflict with the provisions of Law No. (3) of 2023, until the issuance of the regulations, decisions, regulations, circulars and instructions that replace them.
This law shall be published in the Official Gazette, and shall be enforced from the date of its publication.

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