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Annual Investment Forum 2023.. Abu Dhabi charts the future of the global economy and opportunities for sustainable growth

Abu Dhabi, May 7 / The Annual Investment Forum 2023, which will start tomorrow in Abu Dhabi, is a leading global economic platform that contributes to formulating a road map for investment partnership mechanisms and achieving sustainable and comprehensive growth in global markets.
The first day of the three-day forum brings together many leaders, investors, policy makers, international organizations and academics for extensive discussions on many pivotal economic and investment issues.
One of the most prominent events this year is the “Asean Regional Dialogue Session”, which focuses on enhancing cooperation between the countries of the region and their ability to respond to regional and global challenges.
The annual investment forum has consolidated its position on the map of international economic events, as it brings together thousands of investors from all over the world with the aim of drawing a road map for the global economy and focuses on five main pillars: emerging companies, foreign direct investment, small and medium enterprises, cities of the future and foreign portfolio investments.
The Annual Investment Forum 2023 includes many initiatives that were specially prepared to support the five main pillars of the forum, such as workshops, exhibitions and networking opportunities. The attendees also have the opportunity to communicate with senior experts in the investment and technology sectors, and explore good ways to advance economic growth and achieve sustainable development goals.
The focus of investment.
Under the investment theme, the Annual Investment Forum 2023 will host the “Investing in Space to Achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 2030” session, which includes a speech by Candace Johnson, Chair of the Advisory Board of Seraphim Space, to discuss global economic prospects and investment market trends in the world.

The session explores opportunities for direct foreign investment and foreign portfolio investment in identifying changes that transform the global investment landscape and affect investments. It also deals with environmental, social and corporate governance practices.
– First day..
The first day discusses the topic of “The Importance of Foreign Direct Investment for a Greener World”, which focuses on current and future projects and initiatives towards sustainability and diversified foreign portfolio investments, and “Creating Flexible Supply Chains to Enhance Growth Opportunities”, which discusses the importance of establishing flexible supply chains and infrastructure. fit the requirements of the twenty-first century.
– the second day..
The second day will witness a discussion session to search for best practices for building long-term relationships, entitled “Bridging the Gap: Establishing Strong International Relations and Building Trust,” in addition to sessions on digital transformation, integrating innovative technologies into foreign direct investment, and facilitating intra-investment and development between countries.
The quality of foreign direct investment session also deals with attracting feasible investments for economic growth, which discusses the importance of attracting investment to enhance the economy by creating jobs and promoting innovation.

The session “Strengthening Capital Markets to Develop Market Efficiency Through Investing Foreign Portfolios” addresses how to invest foreign portfolios in light of social and environmental changes in the world, and geopolitical turmoil.

This session will shed light on best practices in recovering from geopolitical turmoil and “leveraging current investment trends to create resilient portfolios”.
In addition, the investment axis sessions for the third day include a session on “Sustainable Investment Opportunities in Foreign Direct Investment”, which explains in depth the development of sustainable technologies and how to integrate environmental, social and governance practices to move forward and achieve the transition to net zero.

The focus of innovation and technology.
The list of innovation and technology sessions on the first day includes “Future Cities: Digital Transformation: Integration of Innovative Technologies”, which sheds light on the impact of digital transformation on future cities. for startups.
The sessions discuss the importance of expanding the scope of the technology market and applying technical solutions in small and medium-sized companies, which provide an explanation of the technology market for small and medium-sized companies and what companies can achieve through digitization.
The second day’s sessions, titled “Unicorn: Urban Connectivity in Turbulent Times / Constructive Visions for Cities of the Future”, are held in partnership with the WeGo Foundation, providing an opportunity for mayors, representatives of cities and states, international organizations and business actors to identify growing trends in digital innovations and smart initiatives to solve urban challenges. Building smart cities of the future.
The session of Unicorn Companies: Prospects for the Global Economy – Forecasting the Investment Market will discuss current trends and technologies in the world to contribute to smart cities of the future, and trends in the United Arab Emirates to shape the future of innovation with Hub 71.
– the third day ..
On the third day, a session entitled “Small and Medium Enterprises: Sustainable Climate Financing Initiative” will be held, which presents a new approach to financing infrastructure projects and sustainable agriculture in emerging economies.

The third day also includes highlighting live examples of hybrid financing plans entitled “Digital Economies: The Fourth Generation of Developing Appropriate Tools and Platforms”, which discusses the use of the best new technologies and innovative technologies, in addition to a session entitled “Small and Medium Enterprises: Exploring Investments in the International Scene”. and the “Adapting to Evolving Needs and Expectations” session, which explores challenges and opportunities for investing in SMEs.

The session “Small and Medium Enterprises: Trends for 2023 – in the areas of applying smart business, innovation, inclusiveness and sustainability in cities of the future” discusses the latest trends.

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