Home / News / UAE / Sheikh Zayed Festival welcomes the new year 2023 with exceptional events and performances

Sheikh Zayed Festival welcomes the new year 2023 with exceptional events and performances

Abu Dhabi, December 29 / The Guinness Book of Records documents Sheikh Zayed Festival’s celebration of the New Year, with the largest fireworks display and the largest display of “Drones”, which extend to about 60 minutes.

The activities of the festival, which opens its doors to the public on December 31 from 4 pm until 2 am, and welcomes its fans with the message “Hayakum” to celebrate the New Year’s Day, will witness exceptional performances, foremost of which is the largest fireworks display, which lasts for more than 40 continuous minutes and breaks three records in the “Guinness Book”. It holds records in terms of quantity, time and form, which gives visitors to the festival an exceptional experience as the first minutes of the new Gregorian year enter.

The festival also presents the largest show of “Drones”, which will break a record in the “Guinness Book of Records” by using more than 3,000 drones, as the “Drones” in the sky of Al Wathba draw a welcome message for the New Year at the end of the interesting show.

The Sheikh Zayed Festival also welcomes the new Gregorian year 2023 with a package of dazzling international folkloric and artistic events and performances, which enhances its leading position among the most important international cultural and entertainment festivals, as it offers its visitors various activities, including the activities of the Heritage Village, the pavilions of the Emirates civilization, the city of entertainment games, the children’s city, the arts district, and the Ko-Karting and Crazy competitions. Carr, Garden of Lights and Flowers, Selfie Street, Sweets Museum and many more.

The pavilions of world civilizations participating in the festival celebrate the New Year with carnival entertainment shows and international folklore artistic and cultural shows that will roam the festival squares and pavilions throughout the day, turning the festival area into a global artistic carnival.

Visitors to the festival can move between the various pavilions and watch the colors of folklore that each country is famous for, such as dances, music and songs, presented by specialized teams on theaters that were distributed in all pavilions.

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