Home / News / UAE / 10 million tourists in Dubai within 9 months… and hotel occupancy 71% 27 million hotel nights booked by tourists until September

10 million tourists in Dubai within 9 months… and hotel occupancy 71% 27 million hotel nights booked by tourists until September

The momentum of tourism activity in Dubai continued during the current year 2022, after the emirate recorded more than 10 million international tourists during the first nine months, with a growth of 163%, compared to 3.85 million tourists during the corresponding period of 2021.

Although the number of international tourists is still slightly below 2019 levels; However, other operational indicators, such as the number of establishments and hotel rooms, prices and returns and the number of reserved nights, have strongly exceeded pre-pandemic levels, which reflects the resilience of the tourism sector in Dubai.

Dubai received more than one million international tourists last September alone, and continued to attract increasing numbers of international tourists from various global markets.

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