Home / News / UAE / Emirates Airlines investments 122 billion dirhams in 10 years, during which it paid 13 billion dirhams to the Dubai government

Emirates Airlines investments 122 billion dirhams in 10 years, during which it paid 13 billion dirhams to the Dubai government

Emirates Airlines’ investments have touched 122 billion dirhams over the past 10 years, which confirms the airline’s pivotal contribution to Dubai’s economy and other global economies, as the world’s largest international carrier operates. According to the airline’s data, its capital investments since the fiscal year 2013/2014 until the fiscal year 2022/2023 amounted to 121.9 billion dirhams (more than 33 billion dollars).

The capital expenditures of Emirates Airlines during the last fiscal year amounted to 5.3 billion dirhams, which consist of investment in equipment, aircraft, facilities and technologies.

The Emirates Group paid dividends to its owner, the Dubai Government Investment Corporation, over the past 10 years, amounting to more than 13 billion dirhams, and the payment for the fiscal year 2022-2023, amounting to 4.5 billion dirhams, was the highest payment that the group paid to its owners in 10 years, knowing that it did not By paying any dividends during the three years of the pandemic.

During the past decade, the Emirates Group achieved total revenues exceeding 900 billion dirhams (908.7 billion dirhams – 247.6 billion dollars), despite a sharp decline in revenues during the years of the pandemic. Emirates airline revenues amounted to 821.2 billion dirhams during the period, exceeding 100 billion dirhams for the first time in the last fiscal year when it recorded 107.3 billion dirhams.

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