Home / News / UAE / 2.5 million identity cards for residency in the Emirates during 2022 constituted 72% of the issued by type

2.5 million identity cards for residency in the Emirates during 2022 constituted 72% of the issued by type

The Federal Authority for Identity, Nationality, Customs and Ports Security revealed that it issued 2,585,348 identity cards for residency in the UAE during the past year 2022, with a rate of 72% of the cards issued according to the type of residency.

The Federal Authority for Identity, Nationality, Customs and Ports Security revealed that it issued 2,585,348 identity cards for residence in the UAE during the past year 2022, with a rate of 72% of the cards issued according to the type of residence.

The authority stated, according to its latest statistics on its website, that the total number of Emirates ID cards issued for work amounted to 971,290 identity cards during the past year 2022, with a rate of 27% of the cards issued according to the type of residence.

The “Identity and Nationality” confirmed that obtaining the Emirates ID card is mandatory for all residents of the UAE, including Emirati citizens, citizens of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, and expatriates residing in the country, and any person included in the scope of one of these categories is required to apply for a card. The identity card is from the Federal Authority for Identity and Nationality, Customs and Ports Security, and its renewal when it expires.

She added that one of the duties of the identity card holder is to consider carrying it at all times, and to show it if requested by him in accordance with the law, noting that the identity card has multiple uses that include: proving the identity of the individual and providing accurate personal data about him, obtaining government services in the UAE, and participating in Voting in the elections of the Federal National Council for citizens, a travel document for Emirati citizens traveling to the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council, transit through electronic gates (eGates) at the country’s airports, and payment in a certain number of banks or services.

The authority confirmed that the Emirates ID card within the new and developed version, which was launched last year, is characterized by safer and more advanced specifications, and uses advanced operating systems and technologies that reduce security risks, making it difficult to reproduce or forge and forge, within the framework of achieving the vision of the UAE government to develop a system And the quality of population data, and providing it with an advanced system based on best practices and international standards in managing personal identity, and providing high-quality services.

The Federal Authority for Identity, Nationality, Customs and Ports Security indicated that the decision to cancel the residence sticker in the passports of residents, and to consider the Emirates ID card issued to a foreigner residing in the country as an alternative to proving his residence, came to develop the services provided and apply best practices and achieve flexibility aimed at reducing the steps associated with the process of issuing and renewing residence. To be accompanied by the identity card in a unified form, specifying 4 procedures that must be confirmed when applying for the issuance of the residence permit and identity card transaction through the unified form through its website or the UAE smart application.

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