Home / News / UAE / 3.3 billion dirhams of foreign investments in stocks in November The Abu Dhabi market rose 1.45%, and the Dubai index fell 0.23%

3.3 billion dirhams of foreign investments in stocks in November The Abu Dhabi market rose 1.45%, and the Dubai index fell 0.23%

Foreign (non-Arab) investments in UAE stocks exceeded 3 billion dirhams as a purchase proceeds in November, exceeding their investments during the previous month (October), which amounted to only 2 billion dirhams.

These purchases were distributed by 2.32 billion dirhams, the proceeds of purchase in Abu Dhabi, and 946.3 million dirhams, the proceeds of purchase in Dubai, and investment portfolios pumped 1.2 billion dirhams, the proceeds of purchase (947.2 million in Abu Dhabi and 277.7 million in Dubai).

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