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5 important information about car insurance

Regardless of whether the car is of the luxury type or otherwise; Its owner must insure it before driving it.

Driving without insurance can result in hefty fines of up to 500 dirhams or more, in addition to four black points on the driver’s license and the temporary confiscation of the vehicle.

On top of all this, the driver of the uninsured car bears the costs of repairing the damage to another car in the event that it causes an accident.

There are 5 important information that the insurer must know before starting the insurance procedures.

First: Insurance against third parties is the minimum

The owner of the vehicle needs to have third-party insurance, at least, in order to be able to drive it on the roads legally. But opting for comprehensive insurance is best.

According to the country’s legislation, third-party insurance is the minimum coverage required.

This type of coverage is usually less expensive but it does cover damage to another vehicle or people as a result of an accident caused by the insured.

This is why most vehicle owners choose comprehensive insurance plans, which also repair the insured’s car when his car collides in an accident, as well as compensation for damage caused by theft, fire, and so on.

Second: Possession of a driver’s license and vehicle registration card

To complete the insurance procedures, the insured must have a valid driver’s license and vehicle registration card. The required documents are: a copy of the passport, a copy of the Iqama, a copy of the driver’s license, a copy of the vehicle registration card or the initial registration invoice.

A resident who intends to stay in the country for a period of six months or more may need to obtain a driving license from within the country. The procedures may require an Emirates ID and a no-objection certificate from the employer.

Third: Insurance costs according to the value of the vehicle

Insurance premiums can vary greatly depending on the insurance company and the type of vehicle; In general, it should be expected to constitute about 1.25% to 3% of the car’s value.

However, there are ways to reduce your total vehicle ownership costs.

These include: choosing a less expensive car, installing a GPS vehicle tracking system and other safety features, all of which lower the insurance premium.

Insurance companies take into account the age of the insured, the number of years of driving and the history of accidents committed by him before.

Fourth: The possibility of obtaining offers via the Internet

The country has highly developed systems for comparing insurance plans and types of coverage. For example, the “Insurance Market” and other marketplaces provide the possibility to obtain quotes in real time and from the most trusted insurance agencies in the country to avoid the scams that have become common at the present time.

Fifth: Increased spending reduces costs

A person may be looking to reduce their expenses to balance their budget. However, there are some purchases that you should not be stingy with; Especially when it comes to insurance policies.

While it is tempting to opt for basic, inexpensive coverage, such as third party only insurance, this type of insurance may not provide the coverage that the vehicle needs.

Therefore, the insured must review his lifestyle and driving preferences in order to visualize the damage that may be caused to his vehicle. As if driving on bumpy tracks exposes the vehicle to damage; In addition to possible breakdowns and the need for emergency services.

Of course, these options increase the value of insurance premiums, but they protect the insured from the consequences of road surprises.

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