Home / News / UAE / 55 days The number of days of the second semester One million and 100 thousand students return to their schools today

55 days The number of days of the second semester One million and 100 thousand students return to their schools today

Today, more than one million and 100 thousand students from public and private schools, with all their ministerial, British and American curricula, will resume studying the second semester of the current academic year for all grades from kindergarten to twelfth, and according to the timetable for the second semester of the current academic year 2022-2023. The number of school days for the second semester is 55 days.

After the resumption of working hours for students and the administrative and teaching bodies, the processes of analyzing and issuing results begin from January 9 to 13, and the formative evaluation process continues during the semester according to the teacher’s guide, and end-of-semester exams are applied for grades 5 to 12 for academic subjects (Islamic education, social studies and health sciences). ) During the days 24, 27, and 28 of next February, with the continuation of the school day, and the time programming indicated that students of the 12th grade of special education applying the curriculum of the Ministry of Education are applying their exams in public education schools, except for Islamic education subjects, social studies and health sciences, as they are applied in their schools under supervision and coordination with the branches scholastic.

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