Home / News / UAE / The National Center of Meteorology stated that the month of November is within the second transitional period, and is characterized by a moderate temperature during the day and a decrease during the night, as the average maximum and minimum temperatures decrease by 4 to 6 degrees than they were during the month of October, as a result of the continued apparent movement of the sun towards the south. away from the area. The center added that the country is affected during the current month by the gradual extension of the Siberian air rise towards the region, especially during the second half of it, which leads to a continuing decrease in temperatures, and temperatures tend to get cold sometimes, especially at night in mountainous areas and some inland areas.

The National Center of Meteorology stated that the month of November is within the second transitional period, and is characterized by a moderate temperature during the day and a decrease during the night, as the average maximum and minimum temperatures decrease by 4 to 6 degrees than they were during the month of October, as a result of the continued apparent movement of the sun towards the south. away from the area. The center added that the country is affected during the current month by the gradual extension of the Siberian air rise towards the region, especially during the second half of it, which leads to a continuing decrease in temperatures, and temperatures tend to get cold sometimes, especially at night in mountainous areas and some inland areas.

أفاد المركز الوطني للأرصاد، بأن شهر نوفمبر يعد ضمن الفترة الانتقالية الثانية، ويتميز باعتدال درجة الحرارة نهاراً وانخفاضها أثناء الليل، حيث ينخفض معدل درجات الحرارة العظمى والصغرى بمقدار 4 إلى 6 درجات عما كانت عليه خلال شهر أكتوبر، وذلك نتيجة لاستمرار الحركة الظاهرية للشمس نحو الجنوب بعيداً عن المنطقة.

وأضاف المركز أن الدولة تتأثر خلال الشهر الجاري بامتداد المرتفع الجوي السيبيري تدريجياً نحو المنطقة، خاصة خلال النصف الثاني منه، ما يؤدي إلى استمرار الانخفاض في درجات الحرارة، وتميل درجات الحرارة للبرودة أحياناً، خاصة ليلاً على المناطق الجبلية وعلى بعض المناطق الداخلية.

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