Home / News / UAE / 64 thousand economic licenses in Sharjah 2022, at a rate of 6%, 7,615 new and 56,474 renewed

64 thousand economic licenses in Sharjah 2022, at a rate of 6%, 7,615 new and 56,474 renewed

Sultan bin Hadda Al Suwaidi: Sustainable performance that contributes to the economic quality of life
The Department of Economic Development in Sharjah announced the results of the commercial and economic activity report in the smiling emirate during the year 2022, as the total number of licenses issued and renewed in the past year reached 64,089, with a growth rate of 6% over the year 2021, and included the issuance of 7,615 new licenses and 56,474 renewed licenses.

The Department of Economic Development in Sharjah reviewed business results and the most important developments and events in the economic sectors during the year 2022, in order to provide a comprehensive tool for dealers in the economic sectors in the emirate and introduce them to the most important results. it achieved, confirming its efforts aimed at achieving its vision to make the Emirate of Sharjah the first economic destination locally and regionally in innovation. And confidence and happiness.

Sultan Abdullah bin Hadda Al Suwaidi

Sultan Abdullah bin Hadda Al Suwaidi, Chairman of the Sharjah Economic Development Department, stressed that the issuance of this data is one of the important economic indicators that the department relies on to study the economic situation in the emirate, stressing that the strategic goal of the The department is to achieve a comprehensive development plan that promotes economic development in Sharjah, by developing services to match the highest international quality standards in terms of speed of completion and access to dealers in the economic sector and investors in the emirate, and striving to complete transactions easily and smoothly.

Abdul Aziz Al-Midfa

He added, “We continue to develop the partnership system between the public and private sectors to enable businesses to grow and prosper, and we are keen to meet the requirements of investors, and protect consumer rights and intellectual property, in light of our endeavor to establish a sustainable economy based on knowledge and innovation.”

4476 commercial licences

For his part, Fahd Al-Khamiri, Director of the Department of Registration and Licensing in the department, confirmed that commercial licenses included the licenses issued during 2022, with 4476 licenses issued, with a growth rate of 7%, followed by professional licenses with 2422 licenses issued, with a growth rate of 27%, and with regard to industrial licenses, rates reached Growth is 7%, with a total of 329 licenses issued, while Etimad licenses amounted to 214 licenses issued, and electronic trading licenses 174 licenses issued , which is a positive indicator of investor interest in the emirate and the growth of the economy in its various sectors, which confirms the stability and sustainability of the economic situation in the emirate of Sharjah.

Ahmed bin Saed

With regard to renewed licenses during the year 2022, the total number of renewed commercial licenses reached 36,416 licenses, with a growth of 4%, and the total number of renewed professional licenses reached 16,910 licenses, with a growth of 5%. 10%, while electronic trading licenses grew by 78%, with a total of 119 renewed licenses.

Al-Khamiri said that the data issued by the Department of Economic Development in Sharjah indicates a noticeable increase in the investment movement in existing projects, which are indicators that support the factors of sustainable growth for the economy of the emirate of Sharjah, as the emirate has a strategy through which it seeks to maintain a good pace in growth rates during the next stage, which depends on attractive elements including the distinguished geographical location and the great development witnessed by the service sectors, in addition to a set of incentives.

Al-Khamiri pointed out that the service centers, which are considered among the strategic partners of the Department of Economic Development, work in harmony with the department to provide a set of procedures and services that are essential to conducting business in the emirate, which contributes to provide a prestigious service environment for the business community in accordance with the highest standards and practices followed by providing Simplified quality services that attract investors and stimulate the economic environment in the emirate, as the total completed electronic transactions amounted to 243,997 during the year 2022, with a growth rate of 3% compared to the previous year, and were distributed over a number of service delivery windows provided by the department such as service delivery centers, smart investor, calligraphers and service Automatic renewal.

Khalfan Al-Huraithi

department branches

Khalfan Al-Harithi, Director of the Department’s Branches Department, said that the department’s branches issued 7,615 new licenses during the year 2022, with a growth of 11%. Licenses issued, then the eastern region branches with 551 licenses issued, and in detail, the Khorfakkan city branch topped the eastern region

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