Home / News / UAE / 70,880 new families in Dubai since the pandemic, the total number of families will reach 670,000 by the end of 2022

70,880 new families in Dubai since the pandemic, the total number of families will reach 670,000 by the end of 2022

The number of households in Dubai has increased since the outbreak of the “Covid-19” pandemic that struck the world at the end of 2019, and the accompanying global closures in terms of transport and trade in 2020, in a very record way, as the emirate succeeded over the past two years 2020-2022, in Attracting thousands of families and their members of various nationalities and countries to search for work or investment, due to the elegant treatment adopted by the authorities in the emirate, as well as thanks to the economic, legislative and legal system that stimulated the pace of activities and productive sectors, the most prominent of which was the availability of 100% direct foreign ownership. As Dubai has become a destination for those wishing to reside on its lands, or those looking for a new job and establishing a new economic and commercial investment.

12% growth

According to the latest recent data published by the Dubai Statistics Center; The emirate attracted 70,880 new families from 2020 until the end of 2022, an increase of 12 percent, as the total number of households in the emirate at the end of last year 2022 reached 669,750 families, compared to 598,870 families in 2020.

Likewise, their number increased by about 7.3% compared to 2021, representing an increase of 45,555 families, when their number reached 624,195 families at the time.

The number of household members in the emirate touched the barrier of 2.756 million people, compared to 2.595 million people in 2020, an increase of 6.2% representing 161 thousand, and also by about 2.4% (representing an increase of 65 thousand) compared to 2021, whose number reached 2.69 million people.

While the average household size in the emirate decreased to 4.1 people per family, compared to 4.3 people in 2021, and the same average in 2020.

Residential areas

In terms of residential communities, their number increased, two residential communities, bringing the total to 2249 at the end of 2022, compared to 2247 residential communities in 2021, while it decreased compared to 2020, which reached 2346 residential communities.

About 794 thousand people live in these residential communities in 2022, an increase of 1% compared to 787.3 thousand people in 2021, representing an increase of 6671 individuals, while it decreased compared to 2020, whose number reached 816.1 thousand people.

Thus, the average size of a single gathering increased to 353 people in 2022, compared to 350.4 people in 2021, as well as an increase from 2020, when the average size of a gathering reached 347.9 people.

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