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A Nations’ Misfortunes

In ancient times, the Arabs said, ” The misfortunes of some people are advantages to others,” and this can be explained from media economic perspective that when an economic crisis occurs in any part of the world, other economies in different parts of the world the takes advantage of that and flourish.

Nowadays, we’re always in a continuous check out of our economic interests with the interests of our strategic partners; making sure it’s a connected chain. This is what leads to keep following-up economic news and work to guard against international variables so that the economic chain won’t break by the spectator’s writs.

The recent decision by US President Trump to impose a 25 percent import duty on iron imports and 10 percent on aluminum imports was highly valued by international news agencies as it significantly affects global trade. Also, by following President Trump’s remarks on his official Twitter page, you can notice that he uses aggravated tone in what he says is the “commercial war” that he thinks he will easily win.

In “Media IN,” we have developed a clear media policy not to engage behind political statements and their consequences, relying on clarity of vision by focusing on economic news towards a credible economy. So, what prompted me to write this article is an obvious question that came to my mind after the follow-up of the global news about the “trade war”.

Consequently, if the US president’s recent decision to impose iron and aluminum import duties is adopted, where will the world go to sell their products? Will iron and aluminum prices fall? Of course we will not answer these questions, and we will not go further than the question raised a lot in the past two days, by asking who is the loser of this war ?! Also, we will not ask about the amount of iron owned by Europe and was prepared for export to the west; will it use that to build large towers similar to the Eiffel Tower? Or will the supply and demand base work?

Successful trade depends on mutual trust and adherence to global charters. Successful trade depends on constant follow-up of global events through reliable sources. As it seems to the reader that we are marketing the site “Media In” news, we are also pointing the attention to the iron and aluminum industry in the Arab world asking people concerned to observe the variables and monitor them to deal with changes in a smart tactical way as it’s known for witty Arab traders.

Yasir Almahri

CEO Media IN


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