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“Irina” highlights the potential for renewable energy to meet 86 percent of global demand

09-04-2019 Media in\ Abu Dhabi
A recent report by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) confirmed that there are ways to meet 86 per cent of global energy demand using renewable energy.
The Global Energy Transition: A Roadmap to 2050 – Today, during the Energy Transition Dialogue held in Berlin, Germany, the increase in renewable energy coupled with electricity supply could provide more than three quarters of the reduction in associated emissions Energy needed to achieve global climate goals.
Global energy supplies will more than double during this period, with most of them generating renewable energy, mostly from solar and wind, the report said.
“The race to secure a secure future for climate has entered a crucial stage,” said Francesco Lacamira, director general of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA).
“Renewable energy is the most effective and readily available solution to meet the rising CO2 emissions. A combination of renewable energy sources, deeper electricity supply and improved energy efficiency can achieve more than 75 per cent of energy-related emission reductions.
He said that a rapid shift in energy in line with the 2050 roadmap would save the world economy up to $ 160 trillion in cumulative over the next 30 years in avoiding health costs, energy subsidies and climate damage. Is spent on energy conversion will pay off seven times.
“The transition to renewable energy sources is economically significant and by the middle of this century the world economy will be bigger and the jobs created in the energy sector will increase global employment by 0.2 percent,” Lakamira said.
“The issue of energy transformation is gaining momentum, but it should be stimulated faster,” he said, noting that the United Nations’ 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda and the review of national climate commitments under the Paris Agreement are milestones for raising ambition.
According to the report, if energy-related CO2 emissions continue to grow by an average of 1 percent per year over the next five years, the world will need to reduce them by 70 percent from their present level by 2050 to meet global climate targets.

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