Home / News / UAE / A mechanism for predicting morphological anomalies during the manufacture of aircraft parts developed by researchers from Khalifa University in Abu Dhabi

A mechanism for predicting morphological anomalies during the manufacture of aircraft parts developed by researchers from Khalifa University in Abu Dhabi

A research team from Khalifa University of Science and Technology in Abu Dhabi revealed a new mechanism that contributes to achieving accurate results in predicting morphological anomalies during the manufacturing processes of aircraft parts consisting of composite materials, with an error rate of less than 5%.

The research team included PhD student Maryam Ahmed Al Dhaheri, Dr. Kamran Khan, Associate Professor of Aeronautical Engineering, Dr. Rehan Omar, Associate Professor of Aeronautical Engineering, and Professor Wesley Cantwell, Director of the Center for Advanced Research and Innovation and Associate Dean for Research, all from Khalifa University, along with Frank Van Liemt of Strata Manufacturing, Mubadala Aerospace provided financial support for this project.

The researchers developed a three-dimensional model of the part made of composite materials and designed in a layered manner to simulate the processing processes and interactions between the manufacturing tool and the part to be manufactured. The layered engineering design plays a role in reducing morphological imbalances in the final processing of structures, compared to other designs.

The research team explained that composite materials consist of various elements to achieve certain structural properties. Polymer matrix materials are an example of composite materials used in aviation applications. And its effectiveness and low density, which makes it the best choice as a structural material for aircraft parts.

For her part, PhD student Maryam Al Dhaheri said, “Recent years have witnessed a remarkable increase in the use of composite polymer matrix materials in the aerospace industry, due to the average difference between their weight, effectiveness, rust resistance, and superior endurance. Secondary structures are now used in the manufacture of more than half of the (Airbus 350) aircraft and in the manufacture of radar domes in the (Boeing B787) aircraft.

She added: Despite the effectiveness of composite polymer matrix materials, they are not without some defects, and among these major defects is the possibility of a defect occurring during manufacturing processes due to the manufacturing process itself, as the defect in the shape of some parts during manufacturing operations related to the aviation industry is an issue. It is very important in the design stage, because this may lead to many difficulties in the assembly stage of the structures.

And she continued: The structures of the composite materials used in the manufacture of aircraft parts are processed in a specialized device under high temperatures and pressure, and this requires a complex thermochemical cycle to process the polymer matrix until it becomes in a solid state and we obtain the required mechanical properties.

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