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Abu Dhabi hosts the first annual conference to promote and consolidate the national identity

As part of Sandooq Al Watan’s celebrations of Union Day, Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, Minister of Tolerance and Coexistence, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Sandooq Al Watan, the day after tomorrow, Tuesday, in Abu Dhabi, will launch the first annual conference to promote and consolidate national identity, under the slogan “A Vibrant National Identity.”

The conference deals with the efforts and initiatives offered by Sandooq Al-Watan in cooperation with various local, Arab and international institutions and leaders in everything related to national identity, and hosts a group of prominent thinkers, in the context of celebrating what the National Day represents in terms of the embodiment of the meanings, values ​​and principles of the established Emirati society represented by pride in the Emirati national identity. Creativity, innovation and leadership locally and globally in various fields.

Yasser Al-Gergawi, General Manager of Sandooq Al-Watan, said that the celebrations of Sandooq Al-Watan on the Union Day, which were organized under the patronage and presence of Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, do not stop at events and activities that translate our belonging and loyalty to this dear country and its wise leadership, but rather move to actions on the ground, represented in what it offers. The Fund consists of actions, initiatives and programs for the present and future of UAE youth, stressing that the launch of the first annual conference to promote and consolidate the national identity today in Abu Dhabi under the slogan “A Vibrant National Identity” with a prominent presence of Arab and Emirati intellectual and knowledge leaders represents the best conclusion of the activities of Sandooq Al Watan to celebrate this day. It changed the features of history in the region and the world, and it will remain a day of unity, union and national and societal cohesion behind our wise leadership.

On the most important axes of the “vibrant national identity” conference, Al-Gergawi stressed that the conference will focus on three main axes: the elements and components of the national identity, and develop an integrated vision on the most important programs for enhancing knowledge production in the national identity, in addition to addressing the most prominent international experiences in this field, through During three separate sessions spoken by a distinguished group of intellectuals, scholars and active and influential national symbols, the conference also looks forward to future prospects and the directions of the wise leadership, related to the various groups benefiting from the fund’s work, which in turn contributes to providing opportunities for the sons and daughters of the Emirates to achieve success in their lives, and empower them From active participation in the economic and social development efforts in the country, in a way that achieves the good for them and their country, in addition to educating residents about Emirati culture and identity.

Regarding the most important personalities participating in the conference, Al Gergawi stressed that the conference will start with an opening speech by Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, sponsor of the conference, then Dr. Bilal Al-Orfali will talk about the importance of language and its role in preserving culture and identity, as will Claire Dalton, head of the delegation of the International Committee of the Red Cross. And the human aspect and Emirati privacy.

The separate sessions, in their first form, deal with the importance of preserving the national identity in an ever-changing era. Ali bin Tamim, Salah Shabaro, Muhammad Rashad, and the session will be moderated by Dr. Parween Habib. As for the second session, it focuses on the elements of national identity within the framework of the educational system. This session includes Ali Abdel Moneim, Adel Khozam, Dr. Souad Al-Araimi and the session will be moderated by Maya Al-Hawari, while the third and final session will deal with national identity and its role in developing local communities and community innovation.

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