Home / News / UAE / Abu Dhabi Development… a strategic partner to spread renewable energy projects locally and globally

Abu Dhabi Development… a strategic partner to spread renewable energy projects locally and globally

The Abu Dhabi Fund for Development embodies the commitment of the United Arab Emirates to continue its pioneering role in supporting the development process in developing countries. Since its establishment in 1971, the Fund has funded many strategic projects that have contributed to promoting economic growth in 104 countries, including various continents of the world.

The fund highlights the role of the UAE aimed at spreading renewable energy projects in developing countries, strengthening international efforts to meet the challenges of climate change, and working to reduce carbon emissions to preserve the environment and sustain natural resources. 52 countries around the world.

The renewable energy projects funded by the Fund contributed to the development of the main economic sectors of the partner countries, and the provision of electric energy in a sustainable manner for the benefit of thousands of villages and rural areas, which was directly reflected in advancing economic growth, improving the quality of life of the population, and reducing the repercussions of climate change, in addition to To provide job opportunities for citizens of the beneficiary countries.


The Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP28), which will be held from November 30 to December 12 of this year, in Dubai Expo City, will be a qualitative step in the future of the clean and renewable energy sector, and an important platform to review The exceptional achievements made by the UAE in investing in qualitative projects in renewable energy, inside and outside the country.

The “Impact” axis within the “National Sustainability” campaign, which was recently launched in conjunction with the preparations for “COP28”, reviews the positive impact of sustainability initiatives in the UAE in various fields, as the campaign aims to raise awareness about environmental sustainability issues and support national strategies related to work. climatic.

sustainable development

The Abu Dhabi Fund for Development works to enhance the UAE’s pioneering global efforts and its positive contributions in confronting the phenomenon of climate change, in line with the seventh goal of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals in terms of ensuring everyone’s access to modern, reliable and sustainable energy services at an affordable cost, and the thirteenth goal of taking urgent action To address climate change and its effects.

An initiative with “Irina”

In 2013, the Abu Dhabi Fund for Development launched an initiative to support renewable energy projects in developing countries, in cooperation with the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), at a value of $350 million.

This initiative aims to enable the member states of IRENA to provide an advanced infrastructure that keeps pace with the requirements of sustainable development, and to enhance production capacity to meet the growing demand for energy, according to the highest levels of quality. 21 countries benefited from it, and the initiative contributed to providing nearly 88,000 job opportunities, and the total beneficiaries of the initiative reached 4.5 million people, as of January of this year.

Partnership fund

In 2013, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs launched the Partnership Fund initiative between the UAE and the Pacific Island countries, to implement energy projects in the Pacific countries, funded by the Abu Dhabi Fund for Development, at a value of $50 million.

In 2016, the Fund completed the financing of 11 renewable energy projects in the Pacific Island countries, and the completed projects included 10 projects related to solar photovoltaic systems, and one project of wind energy systems.

The projects achieved many positive goals, whether on the national budgets of those countries, or maintaining a clean environment free of carbon emissions, as they contributed to achieving $ 3.7 million in diesel fuel savings, and worked to reduce carbon dioxide emissions annually by 8,447 tons. .

Caribbean islands

As a result of the success of the Renewable Energy Projects Initiative in the Pacific Islands, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs launched in 2017 the Partnership Fund Initiative between the United Arab Emirates and the Caribbean Islands for Renewable Energy. The fund funded the initiative with a value of $50 million, benefiting 16 islands. producing 9.43 megawatts of energy.

global platform

The Abu Dhabi Fund for Development and the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) launched the global platform (ETAF) aimed at accelerating the deployment of renewable energy projects and solutions in developing countries. Attracting new investment opportunities to develop renewable energy projects.

Renewable energy projects funded by the Fund are spread in various countries of the world, most notably: Sheikh Zayed Solar Energy Complex in Jordan. The project aims to support the Jordanian economy and meet the growing increase in electric energy from renewable sources.

The Fund and the Abu Dhabi Office for Exports (affiliated to the Fund) also financed the Mohamed bin Zayed Solar Energy Complex in Togo, which is the largest photovoltaic solar power plant in West Africa, with a production capacity of about 70 megawatts, and the number of beneficiaries from the electricity supply to about 225,000 homes. In Togo, the project works to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 9.5 thousand tons per year. It also contributes to supporting the Togolese government and enabling it to implement its national strategy for the development of the renewable energy sector, by increasing the percentage of energy provision from clean sources and universal access to electricity. by 2030.

Maldives station

Among the innovative projects funded by the Fund is the waste-to-energy plant in the Maldives, where the project received accreditation from the Global Institute for Innovation as a result of its best application.

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