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UAE newspaper editorials

Abu Dhabi on November 13

Local cultural images that reflect, display and demonstrate their values, a cultural exhibition and exhibition, a model, a leading exhibition in a cultural and national community and its culture globally.

The root of the UAE’s efforts and its pioneering role in safeguarding world heritage and consolidating the approach of tolerance and human coexistence, which it has been keen to establish since its establishment, by actively contributing to preserving heritage treasures and consolidating the approach of tolerance and human coexistence.

There are fears that other countries in a region are now showing their criminal fangs in more than one region, especially in the sub-Saharan and eastern continents.

For its part, under the title “Culture is our soft power,” the newspaper “Al Bayan” wrote in its editorial, “The UAE attaches great importance to culture in its various forms and components, within it, on the main page, and its firm constants rooted in the depth of the system, visible to the values ​​of tolerance, brotherhood and coexistence.”

The newspaper evaluated, “The UAE’s keenness to enhance cultural and intellectual values, to consolidate national identity, and to consolidate positive values ​​in the education system, highlights an effective starting point for what culture constitutes as an origin of identity, and from the facts of the educational institutions’ contribution to linking the new generation with its history, the values ​​of belonging.” The promotion of culture and creativity receives the full attention of the Emirates; This embodies the efforts it mobilizes to consolidate the concepts of culture and the arts and make it an academic curriculum.”

And she continued, “The UAE, over the course of 50 years, has been transformed into the tower of civilizational civilizations.”

Cultural exchange, reflect and demonstrate its tolerant values.

She pointed to the UAE’s leading role in safeguarding world heritage, and in consolidating the approach of tolerance and human coexistence, which it has been keen to establish since its foundation, by actively contributing to the preservation of world heritage treasures, and consolidating intervention in monuments.

Starting with its establishment and beginning of its establishment, and the formation of a bridge for civilized and cultural communication with all countries of the world and the consolidation of the nation’s position as a home of innovation, minds and opportunities.”

For its part, under the title “Recognize the Continent of the Future,” Al-Khaleej newspaper wrote in its editorial, “There are fears that several regions of the African continent will become among the circles that are now revealing their criminal fangs in more than one region, especially in the south of the Sahara and the east of the continent; As the bombings, kidnappings, strategies, specifications and strategic locations escalate, and the accompanying looting of wealth, and its various smuggling, including huge financial means.”

Its opportunity in the vicinity of the African flight, which led to the spread of disease in the vicinity, and the weakness of the joint ventures in the project. seeking research in developing countries; These disasters force millions to be deported or make them vulnerable to extortion and bargaining, in exchange for providing food. The scenarios are being followed by the “Boko Haram” group in Niger, Nigeria and Cameroon, and the extremist Al-Shabaab movement is trying to follow in Somalia.

And its appearance in good indicators, its appearance in the beginning, and its appearance in the beginning. This external parameter is nourished, exposed to cultivation, exposed to cultivation, exposed to cultivation in the desert.

She said, “Two days ago, the UAE, in a meeting on combating terrorism in Africa, stated that “effectively combating extremism should take an integrated approach, among all local and international types, and that local contexts are taken into account”, in this field, it demanded updating frameworks International action in combating extremism, focusing on “Al-Qaeda” and “ISIS” and ignoring their auxiliary organizations. All scholars who shed blood and violate sanctities work to destabilize the rules of hierarchy, to which the rules of the war on terrorism apply, and you must carry them without Any exception, the extremist “Al-Shabaab” movement that desecrates Somalia and commits massacres against its people and its future.”

The Gulf concluded its editorial by saying, “The phenomenon of terrorism is recurring in Africa, and is tending to be a global challenge that may get out of control. Tajvadi this fate, the international community should not underestimate, including the commercial time; conflict, hunger, hunger, causes, conflicts and external interventions, external factors constitute environment…

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